Chapter 2: Organization and Administration of UNO
- Governing Boards
Chapter 4: Faculty Employment and Related Matters
(See also )
- Faculty Reappointment, Tenure and Promotion (RTP) Procedures and Policies
Faculty Appointments, AP-AA-21
UNO Reappointment, Tenure and Promotion (RTP) Policies and Forms
- Faculty Grievances
- Faculty Leave Policies
Attendance Leave Records - Faculty, Unclassified Staff, and Classified Staff, AP-BA-41
Chapter 5: Responsibilities and Duties of Faculty
- Faculty Authority
- Commencement, AP-AA-36
- Faculty Service on Committees
University Courses and Curricula Committee
- Faculty Workload, AP-AA-22
- Preparation of Instructional Schedules for Credit Courses, AP-AA-03
- FERPA Compliance and Privacy/Access to Student Records, Ap-AA-12
- Teaching Credentials for Faculty and Graduate Teaching Assistants, AP-AA-13
- Textbook Adoption & Procurement, AP-AA-15
- Use of Academic Facilities, AP-AA-04
- Class Hours, AP-AA-03
- Conduct Of Class
- Attendance
- Examinations and Class Assignments
- Grade Appeal Procedure
- Office Hours, AP.AA.22
- Maintenance of Records
Chapter 6: Other Administrative Policies
- Acceptable Use for Information Technology, AP-AA-24
- Access Control Policy, AP-AA-28
- Alcohol and Events, AP-SA-01
- Americans with Disabilities Act, Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, AP-OP-10
- Annual Mandatory Training for Employees
- Anti-Hazing, AP-SA-03
- Code of Ethics, AP-BA-49
- Commercial Test Administration, AP-AA-29
- Contracts, AP-OP-26
- Data Classification and Data Security, AP-AA-17
- Defining 鈥淪tudent鈥 for University Policy Enforcement, AP-SA-06
- Determination of Credit Hours for a Distance Education Course, AP-AA-05
- Drug and Alcohol Testing (Employees) Policy, AP-BA-36
- Employee Discipline Policy, AP-BA-47
- Equal Employment Opportunity, AP-BA-35
- Evaluation of Educational Programs and Courses offered through Consortial and Contractual Agreements, AP-AA-09
- FERPA Compliance, AP-AA-12
- Field Trips, AP-AA-20
- Freedom of Expression, AP-AA-31
- Graduate Assistants, AP-AA-25
- Noncredit Instructional and Fund-Raising Activities, AP-AA-16
- Oral and Written Reprimands of Faculty and Academic Staff, AP-AA-08
- Preparation of Instructional Schedules for Credit Courses, AP-AA-03
- Privacy and Access to Student Records, AP-AA-12
- Student and Student Organization Rights, Freedoms and Responsibilities, AP-SA-05
- Substantive Change Request, Prior to Implementation, AP-AA-10
- Teaching Credentials for Faculty and Graduate Teaching Assistants, AP-AA-13
- Transfer of Faculty to/from Administrative Appointment, AP-AA-37
- Weapons on Campus, AP-SA-05
- Complete List of UNO Administrative Policies (APs)
Chapter 7: University Resources, Services and Support Units
- Academic Advising
- Academic Appeal Process
- Academic Calendar
- Campus Health Services
- Campus Safety
- Center for Teaching Innovation
- Counseling Services
- Department of Public Safety/麻豆视频app下载 Police
- Disability Services
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Information Technology
- Institutional Effectiveness & Research
- Office of International Students and Scholars
- Office of Research
- Student Affairs
- Student Code of Conduct
- Travel
- University Advancement
- Women鈥檚 Center
Academic Freedom
The University of Louisiana System is committed to the principle of academic freedom. This principle acknowledges the right of a teacher to explore fully within the field of assignment and to give in the classroom and elsewhere such exposition of the subject as the teacher believes to represent the truth. This principle also includes the right of a member of the academic staff of the university system to exercise in speaking, writing, and action outside the University other ordinary rights of a citizen, but it does not decrease the responsibility that the member of the academic staff bears to the university system, the state, and the nation. A member of the academic staff not officially designated to represent the university system must indicate clearly that he or she is speaking as an individual citizen.
Among the many implicit responsibilities that must be assumed by those enjoying the privileges of academic freedom is that of refraining from insisting upon the adoption by students or others of any particular point of view as authoritative in controversial issues. Moreover, although all faculty are entitled to freedom of speech in public fora, they are expected to make clear in the instances that they speak as private citizens and not as official representatives of the university.
Faculty Authority
Authority to determine the educational policy of the 麻豆视频app下载 鈥 its colleges, schools, and departments is delegated to the faculty by the Board of Supervisors. The faculty exercises this authority by deliberative action in all units and divisions of the University.
The faculty has the authority to establish curricula, fix standards of instruction, and determine requirements for degrees, and make recommendations for the granting of degrees through its respective colleges. It has legislative power over its own meetings and may delegate its own authority to the Faculty Senate and/or to other standing committees. The faculty's authority is limited to matters proper to the faculty, and the UNO President or the UL System President may suspend any faculty action that is deemed administrative in nature or which seriously affects the interests of another faculty of the university or of the system.
The 麻豆视频app下载 faculty generally exercises its authority over educational policy through the Faculty Senate and its committees and through departmental, college-level and campus-level committees on courses and curricula.
Conduct of Class
Classes must be held as scheduled. Faculty members do not have the authority to change the time or place of meeting, nor arbitrarily to dismiss a class. If they must be absent from class because of illness or other emergency, or because they are attending a professional meeting or participating in other approved activities, the chair of the department should be informed, so as to be able to make arrangements for someone else to meet the class. Whenever possible, faculty should schedule make-up class.
It is expected that the faculty will present the subject matter as stated in the catalog description of the course. The first meeting of a class should include the distribution of such items as the general plan for presenting the material and for conducting the course, the grading system, exam schedule, make-up exam policy, treatment of absences, and a syllabus in the standard university format.
Students are expected to attend all classes regularly and punctually. A student who is not present to answer roll call in a class is marked absent. Faculty members are urged to take attendance, especially at the beginning of a semester. Frequently, registration errors cause a student to attend the wrong section or class, and sometimes taking attendance is the only means of bringing this to light. For students on commuter campuses calling the roll affords them the opportunity to learn the names of all their classmates, some of whom they otherwise might not get to know. This in turn improves the quality of life on campus and enriches discussion in and out of class.
Examinations and Class Assignments
The university requires that a grade be given each student in each course at the close of the semester. To this end it is also required that examinations be given, and it is presumed that enough additional work (homework, projects and/or reports) will be required both to allow the faculty member to make a reasonably valid assessment of the students' performance in the course and to give them a solid basis for estimating their standing in the course. In order that these assignments may have real merit for the latter purpose especially, it is expected that all assignments will be graded and returned to the student promptly. The faculty member or the department may prefer to retain the work; however, the student must be made aware of the grade and must be given an opportunity to examine the graded work.
Although it certainly expects honorable conduct of its students, the 麻豆视频app下载 does not operate on the "honor system." Therefore, it is expected that all tests and examinations will be effectively proctored by the instructor in charge or an assigned, qualified substitute.
Final examinations are given in accordance with a schedule issued by the Office of Academic Affairs. Variations from this schedule are allowed only by specific permission from the dean of the college in which the course is offered. Faculty members may not waive final examinations.
A student absent from any final examination because of illness or other valid reason may take a special examination upon the approval of the appropriate dean.
Maintenance of Records
Faculty members should retain final examination papers for at least one year. Grade books and similar records should be kept for six (6) years. When leaving the university, whatever the cause or the length of service, faculty members are required to leave their class roll- books and other records pertaining to students' grades with the department chair. See also AP-BA-26, 鈥淐learance of Employees Terminating Employment with the University.鈥
Campus Safety
The 麻豆视频app下载 is dedicated to providing the best protection possible to safeguard the lives and property of the University and its community. The Department of Public Safety/麻豆视频app下载 Police (UNOP) and the Environmental Health and Safety Office (EHSO) work collaboratively to support the campus security and safety mission. In supporting UNO's mission as a public service institution, all members of the Department of Public Safety/麻豆视频app下载 Police and the Environmental Health and Safety Office strive to provide the highest quality of service possible.
Department of Public Safety/麻豆视频app下载 Police
The UNOP is staffed 24 hours a day to meet the needs of the UNO community. The department coordinates all requests for assistance relative to crime, including threats, theft, personal safety, medical emergencies, harassment, fire, vehicular mishaps, catastrophic weather emergencies, domestic disturbances and other police related matters.
As Law Enforcement Officers, the mission is to uphold and enforce appropriate federal, state and local laws as well as university rules and regulations. As Peace Officers, the responsibilities include preserving the peace at the university and instituting police procedures that ensure that order is maintained as the university undertakes its mission.
Environmental Health and Safety Office
The EHSO believes that safety is not the exclusive responsibility and University administration. Everyone, including all staff, faculty, students, and visitors, is responsible for their safety and for the safety of those with whom they interact. As members of the UNO community, it is our responsibility to understand and follow the safety rules, procedures, and policies that have been adopted by the 麻豆视频app下载. EHSO is responsible for Risk Management, Safety and Compliance, and Safety Training and identifies programs, methods and trends to help achieve a safe and secure environment at the university. The Campus Safety Manual and other resources related to safety may be found on the webpages of the UNOPD and EHSO.
Important contact information:
Emergency: 504-280-6666
Parking & Traffic 504-280-6047
Business telephone: 504-280-6371
Environmental Health and Safety: 504-280-6670