Logging Into Faculty180

Log in to the using your UNO credentials and then click on the Faculty180 tile.
(If you previously had a personal Interfolio login, do not log in using that info.)
IMPORTANT: The recommended browsers for Faculty180 are Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari. Other browsers may cause issues with functionality and display.
Entering Your Activities
Your Teaching for the Year
Course Sections are uploaded for you each semester. Please verify your data and report any discrepancies.
When to Enter Your Activities
You can enter your scholarly accomplishments, committee membership and other service activities at any time throughout the academic year, but it must be reviewed, updated and submitted* on or before the Faculty Self-Evaluation (Certification) deadline: May 10, 2024.
*Submitting is the final step and is often missed. Please see page 9 of the Faculty180 User Guide below for instructions for properly submitting.
Where to Enter Certain Activities
For more information about entering activities, including guidance on where to put certain activities, see the section on the Interfolio website.
Interfolio also has a on Faculty Activity Input.
Submitting Your Self-Evaluation (Certification)
The 2024 deadline for completing the Faculty Self-Evaluation (Certification) is May 10th.
The self-evaluation process will open on April 10th. On this date, a To Do message will be sent to your Faculty180 dashboard.
You can complete your Faculty Self-Evaluation step any time between April 10, 2024 and May 10, 2024. (Just make sure you have finished entering your activities for the entire Summer 2023 - Spring 2024 cycle.)
Once you have completed your self-evaluation (including the "submit" step), your chair will automatically be notified.
After May 10, 2024, the Faculty Self-Evaluation process will automatically close and will be locked.