Bylaws of the 麻豆视频app下载 Faculty Council
Article I. Functions, Purpose and Governance
Section 1. Functions and Purpose. The Faculty Council or appropriate standing committees thereof shall have coordinating authority in all matters involving the establishing of curricula, the setting of standards of instruction, the determining of requirements for degrees, and generally the determining of the educational policy of UNO in all matters affecting more than a single college, school, or division, and shall advise the administration in other matters as appropriate.
Section 2. Governance. The Faculty Senate shall generally act as the representative of the entire Faculty. Faculty participation in shared governance at the University level will be conducted primarily by the Faculty Senate, the Executive Board of the Faculty Senate, and the Standing Boards of the Faculty Senate.
Article II. Members
Section 1. Composition. The UNO Faculty Council shall consist of all full-time faculty of the 麻豆视频app下载.
Section 2. Faculty. The Faculty of the University shall consist of all members of the academic staff having the rank of instructor or higher who are appointed full-time for at least one year.
Article III. Officers
Section 1. Officers. The officers shall be a chair, a vice chair, a secretary, and a parliamentarian elected by the members of the Faculty by a majority vote of those present and voting.
Section 2. Chair. The Chair shall call the Faculty Council into session in accordance with Article IV of these Bylaws and shall coordinate the meetings and the agendas.
Section 3. Vice Chair. The Vice Chair shall serve in the Chair鈥檚 absence.
Section 4. Secretary. The Secretary shall record and electronically disseminate the minutes of the Faculty Council, shall conduct its correspondence, and shall issue notification of meetings in accordance with the provisions of Article IV of the Bylaws.
Section 5. Parliamentarian. The Parliamentarian shall follow Roberts Rules of Order (latest revision) as designated in Article VII of the Bylaws to enforce the rules of order during Faculty Council meetings.
Article IV. Meetings
Section 1. Meetings. The Faculty Council shall meet at least once per year in the Fall semester at which time Faculty Council officers will be elected. This meeting may take place in conjunction with a Faculty Senate meeting. Also, the chair will call a meeting of the Faculty Council upon the written request of 40 members or 15 percent of the Faculty Council, whichever is the smaller number. At least five days' notice of meetings shall be given to all members by the secretary of the Faculty Council.
Section 2. Quorum. Twenty percent of the membership of the Faculty Council shall constitute a quorum. No quorum shall be considered to exist at any time between the close of the spring semester and at the beginning of the following fall semester, except that the Faculty Council may call a special meeting during this period by written request, as provided in IV.1.
Article V. Committees
Section 1. Faculty Senate. As the governing body of the UNO Faculty Council, the Faculty Senate is a representative body of the faculty under the administration of the 麻豆视频app下载. The Faculty Senate is constituted to promote and implement, consistent with the purposes of the University, maximum participation of the faculty in university governance. In this capacity, the Faculty Senate will assist the administration in such matters of primary faculty responsibility, such as academic standards and curriculum, student affairs, and administrative policy as it affects faculty welfare. Further, the Faculty Senate shall have authority in all matters affecting more than a single college, school, or a division and involving the establishment of curricula, the fixing of standards of instruction, the determination of requirements for degrees, and generally the formulation of the educational policy of the University in such matters.
The Faculty Senate will recommend, when appropriate, faculty to serve on university-wide committees, including the search committees for university-wide administrators. The Faculty Senate shall establish, set charges for, and supervise Senate Boards. It shall be responsible for populating membership of Faculty Senate Boards.
The Faculty Senate will advise the administration in the formulation and execution of policy with respect to the broadly defined goals, priorities, and financial needs of the University. The Faculty Senate shall serve as the forum for meetings between University administration and faculty regarding relevant issues for debate and discussion. This body will also serve as a forum for advocacy of faculty prerogative and position on important academic and University matters.
The Faculty Senate shall assist in the dissemination of appropriate administrative information to faculty. The Faculty Senate will also communicate faculty interests to the public and public officials as deemed appropriate.
Section 2. Ad Hoc Committees. The Faculty Council may establish such temporary ad hoc committees as it may deem appropriate and shall determine the charge and membership of, and set a timeline for any such committee.
Article VI. Limitations
Section 1. Vetoes. Any action taken by the Faculty Senate may be overturned by a two-thirds vote of the Faculty Council, present and voting, provided that a quorum is met, provided that such veto is voted at a Faculty Council meeting not later than 30 days after the decision.
Section 2. Authority. Action taken by the Faculty Council shall be subject only to the superior authority of the University of Louisiana System Board of Supervisors. Should any action taken by the Faculty Council be deemed by the President of UNO or by the President of the University of Louisiana System to be of an administrative rather than an academic nature, or not in the best interest of the University, each shall have the power to suspend the enforcement of such action pending final disposition by the University of Louisiana System Board of Supervisors.
Article VII. Parliamentary Authority
All meetings of the Faculty Council shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order, (latest revision).
Article VIII. Amendments
Amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed by the Faculty Senate or by the Faculty Council, and must be approved by a two-thirds vote of the Faculty Council membership present and voting, provided that a quorum is met, prior notice of one week having been given of any amendment to be presented for approval.
Approved October 22, 2012
Amended March 11, 2014; Amended by online vote December 13, 2019.