Our courses in Applied Mathematics are designed to introduce students to areas of mathematics used by business and industry, as well as to provide a basis for graduate work.
The mathematics used in high technology involves modeling, differential equations, and analysis of convex sets in vector spaces. Our courses offered on these topics prepare students for more advanced courses such as optimization and graduate research. We also offer a course covering the cutting edge topics of quantum nonlocality and quantum computing, which rely on a firm mathematical foundation. This course is taught by Dr. Peter Bierhorst, a leading researcher in quantum information theory.
Students are encouraged to take technical courses appropriate to their interests from other Science and Engineering Departments.

Sample Courses
Sample Courses in Industrial and Applied Mathematics | ||
MATH 2221 | Elementary Differential Equations | 3 Credit Hours |
MATH 3221 | Methods in Differential Equations | 3 Credit Hours |
MATH 4270 | Optimization | 3 Credit Hours |
MATH 4510 | Quantum Nonlocality and Quantum Computing | 3 Credit Hours |