Dr. Madeline Foster-Martinez
Coastal interactions studies promote sustainability through improved interactions between natural coastal processes and human infrastructure and applied, solutions-oriented research through fieldwork and modeling. This research focuses on understanding physical processes in order to design coastal systems that reduce recovery time after natural disasters, limit the impacts of climate change, and efficiently use resources.
Examples of current research include:
- Environmental fluid mechanics; sediment transport
- Sustainability of coastal systems; wetland restoration
- Broadening participation in STEM
- Climate change mitigation and adaptation; ecological modeling; resilient infrastructure; landscape evolution with sea level rise; engineering with nature
Dr. Robert C. Mahon
Sedimentology and stratigraphy studies at UNO work primarily on sediment transport in modern and ancient rivers and deltas. This research focuses on building quantitative relations between physical processes such as flow and sediment transport dynamics and the record of these processes left behind as stratigraphic architectures. It involves using sediment experiments in flumes and delta tanks, fieldwork on the many riverine and deltaic environments of Louisiana, as well as modeling work.
Examples of current research include:
- Sedimentology: stratigraphy
- Sediment transport
- Quantitative relations between physical processes and the record of these processes
- Laboratory sediment experiments
- Fieldwork on riverine and deltaic environments of Louisiana