Graduate Programs in History
The Department of History and Philosophy offers a Master of Arts in History (M.A.), with optional concentrations in Public History and International and Global Studies. Our graduate program provides intensive training in historiography, research and writing, and prepares students for a wide variety of careers in the public and private sectors. The Department of History and Philosophy prides itself on successfully preparing students for further graduate studies as well.
Director of Graduate Studies
Andrea C. Mosterman
(on sabbatical during spring 2025 semester)
email: |
phone: 504-280-7195 | 504-280-6611
In a recent study, the American Historical Association ranked our Master's program among the top 20 in the nation in sending its graduate students on to successful completion of Ph.D. programs at top research universities.
History M.A.
The graduate program leading to the Master of Arts degree in history provides intensive training for well-qualified students in a variety of fields and specialties. All candidates must complete a total of 30 credit hours, with at least 15 hours in courses at the 6000 level, a maximum of 12 hours at the 5000 level, and at least 3 hours of thesis research.
Each student must prepare and defend a thesis that demonstrates an appropriate level of skill in historical research and writing. Students who have done graduate work in history at another university may petition to have up to 12 hours accepted for credit toward the M.A. degree at the 麻豆视频app下载. Approval is at the discretion of the history department.
Student Learning Outcomes
Student Learning Outcomes specify what students will know, be able to do, or be able to demonstrate when they have completed a program of study.
Optional Concentrations
Concentration in Public History: New Orleans Track
The concentration in public history is available to students interested in the practice and presentation of history for a public audience outside of the university setting.
This concentration does not preclude pursuit of a doctorate in history, but is designed to provide history students with the opportunity to use New Orleans as a laboratory in which to develop skills for work in museums and other public venues. Our program adheres to the best practices for graduate education in public history as outlined by the National Council for Public History. The curriculum for this concentration combines history coursework with courses in the theory and practice of public history and an internship under a working professional in the field at a local museum, archive, or library. Students in this concentration must complete a total of 30 credit hours, culminating in a thesis and a comprehensive oral examination.
Concentration in Public History: Military Track
The military track of the public history concentration similarly focuses on the presentation of history for a non-academic audience, but with a special emphasis upon military subjects, sites and audiences.
In addition to the standard public history coursework, including courses in the theory and practice of public history, students in this track take six credit hours of military history classes and perform an internship at a local military institution, museum, archive, or library. Students in this track must also write a thesis and pass a comprehensive oral examination.
Concentration in International and Global Studies
This concentration focuses on global, transnational and comparative approaches to the history of our increasingly interconnected world.
In addition to the core history curriculum, a limited amount of interdisciplinary coursework that accentuates the interaction of states, societies, peoples and cultures over time will be deemed applicable. This concentration prepares students for both advanced graduate study and for careers in education, international organizations, government and the private sector. Students must complete a total of 30 credits hours of coursework, perform an internship, demonstrate foreign language proficiency, and successfully defend a thesis.
History Ph.D. in Planning and Urban Studies
The Doctor of Philosophy in Urban Studies degree enables students of exceptional ability to undertake advanced study and original research in the fields of Urban Affairs, Urban History, Urban Planning and Urban Anthropology. The program's mission is to prepare students for careers in scholarly activity, applied research, and policy analysis. The Ph.D. in Urban Studies program provides graduates with a solid foundation from which to develop policy and conduct applied research outside of academic settings and for teaching and research in colleges and universities.