Records Management and Archives

University System of Georgia records retention policies and procedures

USG Records Retentions Schedules

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October 18, 2024

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Record Number Record Title Record Retention Description
0472-01-001 Alcohol and Beverage Control Records 4 years after termination of license and server permit. This series is used to provide a record of annual and temporary event licensing for dispensing and serving alcoholic beverages, and may also be used to document the training certification of employees. This series may include but is not limited to applications and purchase orders.
0472-01-002 Certification Log 10 years. This series documents the certification of records.
0472-01-003 Daily Broadcast Logs 3 years. This series documents daily broadcast activities of the institutional radio station or television channel.
0472-01-004 Daily Logs Vehicle, equipment, and parking pass usage logs: 1 year; All other records: 3 years. This series documents the day-to-day activities of the office. This series may include but is not limited to: staff members' daily schedules; daily work logs; appointment information; desk calendars; and vehicle, equipment, and parking pass usage logs.
0472-01-005 Equipment and Vehicle Inventory and Maintenance Records Annual Vehicle Inspection Records: 3 years after the vehicle is disposed; Depreciation schedules: 4 years; All other records: 5 years after disposition of equipment. This series documents the location, transfer, maintenance, service, repair, and disposition of state-owned equipment and vehicles. This series may include but is not limited to: vehicle title records; equipment inventory lists; physical inventory information cards; depreciation schedules; equipment inventory forms; lost/stolen property reports; damage or loss of state property claim; equipment transfer forms and memos; property disposition requests; periodic equipment lists; returned departmental equipment inventory lists; service contracts; charge call bills; fax activity reports; service logs; computer system architecture and wiring schema records; and accountability and responsibility statements.
0472-01-006 Equipment Loan Agreements Records 7 years after termination of agreement and return. This series documents the institution's lending or borrowing of equipment.
0472-01-007 Food, Alcohol, Consumable, and Other Inventory, Ordering, and Delivery Records 5 years. This series is used to provide the institution with a record of the dollar value of food, alcohol, consumable, and other stock (including merchandise, publications, gasoline, oil, rock, and gravel) at the end of each month for planning, ordering, and fiscal accounting purposes. This includes documentation of vendors and subcontractors and requests and delivery information.
0472-01-008 Fuel Tax Reports 3 years. The series includes periodic reports of taxable and non-taxable fuel usage by institution-owned vehicles.
0472-01-009 Menus 3 years. This series is used to provide a record of approved menus to be cycled on a monthly basis in each food service location. It is also used for cost planning and ordering of food and supplies. Information on the individual menus may include but is not limited to the foods to be served and the dates, times and locations of service.
0472-01-010 Property Disposition Requests Records 5 years. This series documents custodial units' requests to change the status of state-owned property.
0472-01-011 Publication Records 1 copy of final publication: PERMANENT; All other records: 5 years. This series includes publications produced by individual institution offices. This series may include but is not limited to: printing specifications, costs of productions, art work, samples, mock-ups, drafts, final publications, and websites.
0472-01-012 Room Change Requests Form 5 years. This series documents room assignments and room remodeling. Information on the change request forms may include but is not limited to: the building and room; the reason for the change; who requested the change; who approved the change; date the change was requested; source of funds; special approvals needed; and date approved.
0472-01-013 Shipping Records 5 years. This series documents the sending and receiving of equipment, supplies, and other items. The series includes: packing slips; shipping and container lists; and bills of lading.
0472-01-014 Significant Correspondence PERMANENT. This series includes communications that document formal decisions regarding significant matters.
0472-01-015 Subject Files Significant/Historical Subject Files: PERMANENT; Other Subject Files: Useful life. Significant/Historical Subject Files document significant events and/or the development of administrative structure, policies, procedures, and the historical development of the office. Other Subject Files do not.
0472-04-021 Telephone Complaints/Fraud Reports 5 years after resolution. This series documents the investigation of complaints of telephone misuse.
0472-01-016 Transitory Correspondence Useful life. This series includes records and communications received or sent that do not document decisions regarding significant matters.
0472-01-017 Transitory Records Useful life. This series includes records that do not document decisions or contain significant information about an institution's programs, fiscal status, or operations. Records include, but are not limited to, advertising circulars, drafts and worksheets, desk notes, reference files, and other records of a preliminary or informational nature.
0472-01-018 Utility Locate Records 2 years. This series documents the notification of persons anticipating digging on campus property who need to know the locations of underground utility lines.
0472-01-019 Visitor Records 1 year. This series documents public tours or individual visits. The series may include but is not limited to: weekly visitor statistics; sign-in sheets; and guest books.
0472-01-020 Work Orders Records 5 years. This series documents requests and authorizations for needed services and/or repairs to institutional property and equipment. It may also be used as a cost reference for future jobs.
Academic Affairs
Record Number Record Title Record Retention Description
0472-05-001 Academic Program Administrative Records Final reports, meeting minutes, curriculum proposals, reviews of individual degree programs, and policy and program planning and development documentation and reports: PERMANENT; All other records: 5 years. This series documents the development, planning, and routine administration of academic programs of the department or college, including special programs serving and aiding institutional students. This series may include but is not limited to: policy and program planning and development documentation; explanatory materials on the program; evaluations of the program; final reports; curriculum committee meeting minutes; curriculum proposals; review agendas; faculty status reports; reviews of individual degree programs; registration reports; add-drop analyses and reports; course enrollment summaries by class; graduation summaries; majors by class level; international programs; cooperative ventures; summer term classes and enrollment reports; and placement information.
0472-05-002 Book Order Records 1 year. This series provides a record of books ordered for courses taught in the department. This series includes institution textbook request forms.
0472-05-003 Catalog/Bulletins, Class Scheduling Records, and Student Handbooks 1 copy of published catalogs/bulletins, schedule of classes booklets, and handbooks: PERMANENT; Course Schedule Maintenance Forms: 2 years; All other records: 1 year. This series documents information regarding academic requirements, procedures, and policies; program and course offerings; fields of study; faculty; evaluation and research proposal processes; room scheduling records, and the formulation of class schedules, including course schedule maintenance forms.
0472-05-004 Child and Youth Program Participant Records 3 years after participants reach majority age 18. This series documents the participation of children and youth in programs sponsored by the institution. The series may include: applications; enrollment records; progress reports and assessments; immunization records; parental consent forms; activity records; and lists of attendees.
0472-05-005 Courses Records Final and summary reports: PERMANENT; All other records: 7 years after superseded. This series documents course offerings and individual course contents. These records include: syllabi; course descriptions; course outlines; course request proposals; enrollment reports; course summaries; request for undergraduate and graduate course and instructor approval forms; nominations to the undergraduate faculty; course announcements; handout materials; and final and summary reports.
0472-05-006 Scholarship Records PERMANENT. This series is used as a historical reference on the recipients of scholarships in colleges or departments. These records may include: recipients' names; when they received the scholarships; names of scholarships; dollar value of scholarships; years recipients entered and graduated; and criteria for selection of recipients.
0472-05-007 Special Events, Lectures, and Tours Records See the University Archivist. This series documents the efforts of a college or unit to provide lectures, informative sessions, short-courses, workshops, training programs, excursions, celebratory events, and tours. This series may include but is not limited to: materials on planning and arrangements; reports; promotional and publicity materials; press releases and news clippings; photographs; audio/video recordings; presentation materials and handouts; schedules of speakers and activities; registration and attendance lists; and participant evaluations.
Record Number Record Title Record Retention Description
0472-02-001 Accreditation Records Self-evaluation reports, final accreditation reports, and accreditation organization evaluation reports: PERMANENT; Other accreditation records: 2 accreditation cycles. This series documents the accreditation process for the colleges, units, and related programs. The series provides a record of materials compiled for inclusion in a report packet sent to the appropriate accreditation board for the specific program or service and usually includes statements on mission, finance, and educational programs, departments, and divisions composition. This series may include but is not limited to: self-evaluation reports; final reports sent to accreditation organization; statistical data; working papers; and accreditation organization evaluation reports.
0472-02-002 Administrative Reports Final annual reports and periodic and summary statistical reports not reflected in the final annual report: PERMANENT; All other reports: Until superseded or obsolete. This series documents the annual activity of the institution and its subdivisions. This disposition includes reports prepared for the university by the president, vice-president, and deans of the institution. Final annual reports may be printed and bound or they may be less formal unpublished documents prepared for limited distribution. Reports may include but are not limited to periodic statistical reports; summarized statistical reports; copies of reports from other units; other working papers; and final annual reports.
0472-02-003 Advisory Board Records Minutes, agendas, reports, and correspondence: PERMANENT; All other records: 3 years. This series documents the activities of boards and councils that function in an advisory capacity and may have as their charge highly specific or broad areas of concern. This series may include but is not limited to meeting minutes; agendas; reports; notes; working papers; audio recordings; and transcriptions.
0472-02-004 Affirmative Action Audits, Annual Reports, and Compliance Records Plans: PERMANENT; All other records: 2 years. This series documents the institution's response to federal program reviews, state compliance audits, annual reporting requirements, and internal audits. This series may include but is not limited to: audit reports; written responses showing how compliance will be accomplished; Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO-6) Reports; Vets 100 Employment Reports; final biennial plans and policy statements; executive department printouts; Affirmative Action (AA) policies and procedures; AA mission and goals; AA office reviews; departmental reports; status reports on minority action programs; AA compliance data sheets; guidelines; specific case histories; and discrimination complaints.
0472-02-005 Agency Relations Records 7 years. This series documents the institutional interactions with local, state, national, and international government agencies, educational institutions, businesses, and groups to gain their assistance with the development and coordination of institution research and instructional programs. This series may include but is not limited to: reports; copies of publications; and background information.
0472-02-006 Association and Organization Advisory Records 3 years. This series documents the relationship and participation of institution units in professional and educational associations and other organizations. The unit's role may be one of membership on the advisory or administrative board, participation in a task force or subcommittee, or one of membership in consortia. This series may include but is not limited to: promotional information; rules and regulations; reports; proposals and planning records; workshop and conference records; surveys and questionnaires; and minutes. This series does not include individual faculty or staff membership information.
0472-02-007 Author’s and Artist’s Contracts and Agreements Records Authors' and artists' contracts and agreements with university presses: 120 years; All other authors' and artists' contracts and agreements: 7 years after expiration. This series provides documentation of the duly executed and binding contractual agreements between the institution and authors and artists concerning subjects such as royalties, pricing agreements, and copyright. Information in individual contracts or agreements may include but is not limited to: terms and conditions; provisions; amendments; exhibits and addenda; and authorizing signatures.
0472-02-008 Awards Records Eligibility terms and selection criteria, award history and information on funding sources, award notifications, summary lists of winners, biographies of winners, and press releases: PERMANENT; All other records: 1 year. This series documents the process of selecting institutional faculty, staff, students, and alumni to receive awards, fellowships, and scholarships based on merit or achievement. The series may include but is not limited to: applications; nomination letters; eligibility terms and selection criteria; recommendations; transcripts; letters of award notification or denial; letters accepting or declining awards; summary lists of winners; biographies; demonstration of need documentation; press releases; and award history and information on funding sources.
0472-02-009 Board of Regents Relations Records 3 years. This series documents the coordination and interaction between institutional administrative units and the Board of Regents. This series may include but is not limited to: dockets; notes; activity reports; and proposals.
0472-02-010 Building Space Inventory and Valuation Records Summary space inventory reports and building valuation reports: PERMANENT; Lease records: 7 years after expiration of lease; All other records: 10 years. This series documents the buildings owned and leased by the institutions both on and off campuses. Building space inventory reports are used to project institutional space needs; to identify deferred maintenance; and to provide cost recovery support documentation.
0472-02-011 Classroom and Laboratory Utilization Reports Final utilization reports: 5 years; Preliminary utilization reports: 2 years. This series provides information about the utilization of classroom and laboratory space. This series includes preliminary and final reports, which contain class number, time of the class, and the number of students in the class.
0472-02-012 Committee Reports Agendas, minutes, and reports of meetings where any official business, policy, or public matter is formulated, presented, discussed, or voted upon and final reports of Ad Hoc Committees: PERMANENT; All other records: 3 years. This series documents the activities of standing and ad hoc committees and councils made up of members from a variety of units. The committees are charged with formulating and recommending institutional policies and procedures, establishing standards and requirements, performing an advisory function, or reviewing petitions, appeals, and deviations from policy. Types of committees include administrative committees (those appointed by an administrator) and faculty senate committees (those created by the faculty senate's executive committee). They may function as steering committees, activities committees, standards committees, planning committees, academic committees, awards committees, councils, etc. Committees may be chaired by the director of a specific unit or rotate to different chairs on a regular basis. This series may include but is not limited to: agendas; meeting minutes; reports; notes; and working papers.
0472-02-013 Cooperative Program Reports Requirements and application procedures, committee minutes, meeting agendas, and memos of interpretation and understanding: PERMANENT; All other records: 7 years after expiration. This series documents the institution's participation in cooperative and shared educational or research programs. Such programs may share research facilities and resources or instructional programs such as programs permitting student matriculation at member institutions. This series may include but is not limited to: information on requirements and application procedures; applications and eligibility certificates; committee minutes; meeting agendas; working papers; memoranda of interpretation and understanding; and fiscal records.
0472-02-014 Crisis or Disaster Recovery Records Records with historical value documenting lasting change to the institution's activities or property: PERMANENT; All other records: 5 years. This series is the highest level documentation of the events and damages to institutional property due to storms, riots, fires, droughts, floods, and other events affecting citizens and facilities within the jurisdiction of the institution. This series may include but is not limited to: diaries; logs; reports; photographs; and notes that document what happened.
0472-02-015 Disaster Preparedness, Response, and Recovery Plans 5 years after superseded. This series consists of records related to the protection and reestablishment of data processing services and equipment in case of a disaster or emergency. This series may include disaster recovery manuals, business continuity plans, inventories, procedure plans, step-by-step procedures, unit and institutional emergency response plans, and contact lists.
0472-02-016 Events Administration Records Written agreements: 7 years after expiration; All other records: 3 years. This series documents facilities, services, and other accommodations provided by the institution for events on campus. Records may include: facilities reservation agreements; room reservation lists; customer and room occupancy lists; customer evaluations; and summary reports.
0472-02-017 Films, Videotapes, Photographs, and Sound Recordings Final Product: PERMANENT; All other records: Useful life. This series provides visual and/or aural documentation of institutional activities and events including intercollegiate athletics, students, faculty, and staff with significant relevance to both the institution's or individual unit's function and mission.
0472-02-018 Financial Donor Records Letters and agreements of gift and copies of bequest instruments: PERMANENT; Other donor records: 7 years after discontinuation of donations; Fiscal records: 7 years. This series documents award guidelines; letters and agreements of gifts; copies of bequest instruments and wills from individuals or estates; donors who provide donations; recognition of donors; and the use of donated funds. Information in this series may include: donor and donation information; contribution notices; lists of donors; award lists; invoices; purchase orders; and receipts. This series does not include records, artifacts, or other materials donated to libraries, archives, or museums.
0472-02-019 Friends and Affiliated Groups Records Founding documentation, bylaws, and meeting minutes and agendas: PERMANENT; All other records: 5 years. This series documents the efforts of special interest support groups to establish relationships with community agencies, individuals, businesses, and groups to gain their assistance with the development and coordination of institutional programs. This series may include but is not limited to: founding documents; bylaws; reports; brochures; meeting agendas; and minutes.
0472-02-020 Fundraising Event Records Posters, brochures, and banners: PERMANENT. Financial Records: 7 years. Marketing records: 5 years. License plates: Retain one sample as PERMANENT. This series documents the fundraising activities of the institution, support groups, and committees. This series may include but is not limited to: requests for fund-raising; event planning and arrangement records; background on previous donations; pledges; posters; banners; and other fundraising and marketing materials.
0472-02-021 Institutional Cooperation and Relations Records Proposals, planning documents, activity reports, policy statements, and publicity: PERMANENT; All other records: 7 years after expiration. This series documents the coordination and interaction between units for the cooperative administration of programs within the institution. This series may include but is not limited to: copies of budget reports; activity reports; proposals; planning documents; agreements and memoranda of understanding; publicity and newspaper clippings; policy statements; and working papers.
0472-02-022 Institutional Planning Records Final planning reports, goal and objective statements, and instructions: PERMANENT; All other records: 10 years. This series documents the college or unit's role in the development of short-term or long-term plans for the institution. This series may include but is not limited to: instructions; internal planning committee materials; proposals; strategic planning reports; surveys; activity reports; informational materials; and working papers.
0472-02-023 Institutional Speeches and Statements Final speeches, statements, and recordings: PERMANENT; Drafts and source materials: 2 years. This series documents speeches and statements written and delivered by institutional faculty and staff in connection with institutional business. This series may include but is not limited to: final copies; audio or video recordings; drafts; and source materials.
0472-02-024 Legislative Relations Records Final reports: PERMANENT; All other records: Useful life. The series may be used to review and plan institutional positions on legislative actions. This series may include but is not limited to: final reports; bill review and tracking records; copies of legislation; and working papers.
0472-02-025 Lobbyist Records 5 years after last activity. This series documents the activities of university employees who engage in lobbying the state government. Records may include: lobbyist registration statement forms; lobbyist termination forms; lobbyist expenditure report forms; lobbyist listings; and salary information.
0472-02-026 Meeting Records Minutes, agendas, and reports: PERMANENT; All other record: 5 years. This series documents the meetings of the faculty and/or staff of a department or office that sets policy and procedures for the unit. Specialized and task oriented sub-committees composed of unit personnel are also documented as part of this record series. These meetings may concern routine matters of procedure and topics such as program development, planning, administrative and personnel management, and assessments of future needs.
0472-02-027 News Release Records Releases pertaining to significant events and policy matters: PERMANENT; Routine releases: 10 years. This series documents newsworthy events of the institution. This series may include but is not limited to news releases issued by institution news and communications units arranged by topic and/or date of issue and brief descriptions of scholarship awards offered by institution.
0472-02-028 Official Calendar of Events PERMANENT. This series documents when and where institution events take place.
0472-02-029 Policies and Procedures PERMANENT. This series includes the approved policies and procedures of the institution.
0472-02-030 Professional Membership Records 5 years. This series documents institutional-paid memberships and activities in professional organizations. These records may include but are not limited to: applications for membership; certifications of membership; and documentation of activities.
0472-02-031 Radio and Television License Records 10 years after expiration of license. This series provides a record of licensing of university campus radio stations and television channels (including distance education) with the Federal Communications Commission. Records may include: FCC applications, licenses, and contracts.
0472-02-032 Records of the Individual Regents PERMANENT. This series documents the activities of the individual regents.
0472-02-033 Signature Authorizations 7 years after authorization expires. This series documents the certification of the institution's employees who are authorized to sign fiscal and contractual documents. These documents serve as an aid for management control over expenditures. This series may include but is not limited to: authorization date; name; sample signature; position data; remarks; and conditions.
0472-02-034 Student Organization Records Charters; minutes; by-laws; student government bill and resolution files; budgets; handbooks; rosters; scrapbooks; photographs; publications; historical sketches; organizational charts; and other historic records: PERMANENT; All other records: 10 years. This series documents the history, development, and policies of student organizations. Records may include but are not limited to: annual review forms; minutes; constitutions and bylaws; committee, subcommittee, and task-force records; student government bill and resolution files; budgets; handbooks; officer and member rosters; scrapbooks; newspaper clippings; published and unpublished historical sketches; publications; organizational charts; and photographs.
0472-02-035 Vehicle Use Authorization and Request Records 5 years after superseded or obsolete. This series documents permission for employees to use their private automobiles for official use and authorization of non-employees and students to use state-owned cars. Records may include but are not limited to: private vehicle safety certification forms; private vehicle certificate lists; and driver authorizations for students and non-employees.
Record Number Record Title Record Retention Description
0472-03-001 Accounting Records Monthly and quarterly reports: 1 year; All other records: 5 years. This series includes bank statements, purchase requests, purchase orders, requisitions, financial reports, accounts payable and receivable records, write-off records, discrepancy, payment schedules, operating statements, year-end projections, reconciliation and expenditure reports, cancelled checks, check stubs, moving expenses records, cost accounting reports, refund/disbursement request records, returned checks, deposit slips, travel records, credit voucher requisition records, cash balances and reconciliations, sales and cash reconciliation records, journal entries, outstanding obligations, refund/disbursement requests, receipts, and invoices.
0472-03-002 Accounts Aging and Accounts Receivable Subsidiary Records 7 years. This series provides a cumulative listing of all receivables on the accounts receivable master file and a history of charges and payments recorded for each customer on the student information system.
0472-03-003 Accrual Worksheets 3 years after the end of the fiscal year. This series documents monthly and year-to-date expenditures for each project, cost category, and line item.
0472-03-004 Annual Budget Records Annual operating budget: PERMANENT; All other records: 7 years. This series documents the annual institutional budget provided for inclusion in its Annual Adopted Operating Budget book. This series includes: operating budget expense by categories and functions report; estimated gifts, grants, contracts and clearing account summary report; student fee income and application of funds report; statewide public service source and application of funds; other reports specified by the Chancellor's Office; and institutional budget preparation instructions.
0472-03-005 Annual Financial Statements PERMANENT. This series provides a summary and report of fiscal year operations.
0472-03-006 Annual Fiscal Reports 5 years or two successive audits, whichever is longer. This series documents annual fiscal year-end status of accounts and is used to provide the office with summary information relating to its programs. Records include: reconciliation reports; annual operating statements; and schedules of rates.
0472-03-008 Audit Report 5 years or two successive audits, whichever is longer. This series documents the unit's response to internal and independent management, operations, and fiscal audits. This series may include but is not limited to audit reports and written responses showing how recommended changes will be implemented.
0472-03-007 Average Daily Enrollments 3 years after the end of the fiscal year in which the records were created. This series is generated each month for each fund. These records are used to determine charges for indirect costs for each fund.
0472-03-009 Bids and Competitive Records Capital improvement projects: 11 years; All other records of selected bids: 7 years; Records related to non-selected bids: 5 years after selected contract has been signed. This series documents the procurement of equipment and service valued in excess of bid limit. This series may include but is not limited to: acquisition specifications; acquisition justification studies and explanations; requests for proposal (RFP) forms; affidavit of publication for RFP forms; requests for invitations to bid (RFI); requests for quotes (RFQ); vendors proposals and bids; bid tabulation sheets and records for all bids received; departmental requisition forms; and competitive quotes.
0472-03-010 Budgeting Records Year-end budget reports: 10 years; Budget maintenance reports: 6 years; Other budget reports: 1 year; All other budget records: 5 years. This series documents the planning, projection, preparation, and allocation of budgets, including cooperative federal program and self-sustaining program budgets.
0472-03-011 Business Office Log Out and Safekeeping Records 4 years. This series documents checks processed by the office and given to another party and funds placed with the office for safekeeping in trust and their disbursement to students or departments.
0472-03-012 Collection Records 5 years after account is paid in full or deemed uncollectible. This series documents the office's efforts to collect unpaid accounts. Records include: collection letters; notices; letters of transmittal; and bankruptcy records.
0472-03-013 Credit Card Administration Records 7 years. This series documents administration of credit cards and P-Cards issued to institutional staff and units. Records may include: applications; master monthly billing statements; individual card holders' statements; billing summaries; printouts including vendor analysis by code; number of charges and stores; and use summaries.
0472-03-014 Development and Endowment Management Records 5 years. This series documents the revenue earned quarterly on gift accounts and fees charged by the institution's development office. Information includes: dates; gift account amounts and identification numbers; earnings; department or account responsible for payment; and fee amount.
0472-03-016 Forecast and Actual Pay Reports 4 years. This series documents monthly gross and actual pay by month and account number. This series includes: employee name and social security number; major account; salary code; FTE; rank; leave status; position title and class number; starting date; appointment; terms of service; tenure; and forecast and actual pay broken down by months of the fiscal year.
0472-03-015 Grant Records (Non-Research) Final narrative reports: PERMANENT; All other records: 5 years after submission of final report or denial of application. This series documents non-research grants.
0472-03-017 Insurance Fund Claims 5 years after claim paid or denied. This series documents requests for payment of insurance claims from the Georgia Department of Administrative Services Risk Management Division. Records may include: auto/liability/property claim reports; estimates of repairs; accident reports; and police reports.
0472-03-018 Insurance Policy Records 7 years after expiration of policy or membership. This series documents insurance policies written to cover all state property, automobiles, liabilities, and special events. Records may include but are not limited to: copies of insurance policies, riders, and endorsements and records of payment.
0472-03-019 Ledger Reports 7 years. This series includes general ledger statements and operating and general ledger reconciliation records
0472-03-020 Registration Fee Records 5 years. This series documents the payment of registration fees. Records may include but are not limited to: completed registration forms; journal vouchers; invoices; purchase orders; and wire transfer forms.
0472-03-021 Revolving Charge Agreement Records 5 years after last enrollment and account is paid in full. This series documents a student's agreement with the provisions of the accounts receivable revolving account and his/her intent to attend the institution. Records include agreement forms signed by each student.
0472-03-022 Staffing Reports Summaries: PERMANENT; All other records: 5 years. This series documents the number of FTE positions in instruction, research, administration, public service, fellowship, and classified staff. This series consists of forms from departments showing FTE positions and office space required. The summaries include department total FTE for each of the principal activity categories listed above.
0472-03-023 Vendor History Reports Useful life. This series is used for quick reference of vendor data, selection, and update pertaining to departmental and college operations. This series may include but is not limited to: reports containing vendor numbers, payee names, invoice numbers, amounts, warrant/voucher numbers, and message comments; copies of purchase orders; requisitions; and product specification sheets.
Human Resources
Record Number Record Title Record Retention Description
0472-04-001 Acknowledgement of Rules Records 5 years. This series documents that a new institutional employee has been provided copies of rules and has discussed applicable rules with the supervisor. This series includes but is not limited to acknowledgment forms.
0472-04-002 Affirmative Action and/or Human Resources Recruitment Review Records 2 years. This series documents the review of all stages of academic hiring by the institution's affirmative action office and/or human resources office. Records may include but are not limited to: position descriptions; notifications of academic position opening; Affirmative Action compliance data sheets; Affirmative Action compliance statements; applicant pool and appointment reports; utilization reports; payroll-budget requests or action forms; contract requests to offer appointments; and certificates of eligible or applicant lists.
0472-04-003 Appointing Authority Administrative Records Until superseded. This series describes the responsibilities of those persons given the authority to appoint personnel to positions.
0472-04-004 Bargaining Unit Records Final contracts, amendments, and negotiation minutes: 7 years after expiration of contract; All other records: 7 years. This series documents negotiations and contractual agreements between the institution and the bargaining unit, and labor relations planning. Records may include but are not limited to: union contracts and amendments; tentative agreements; arbitrator's recommendations; negotiation work notes; strike contingency plans; management counter proposals; negotiation updates; newspaper clippings; press releases; research background material; employee classification printouts; Fair Share records; minutes; sound recordings; exhibits; and reports of meetings.
0472-04-005 Benefits Policies and Procedures Records 7 years after expiration of program or contract. This series documents policy and procedure decisions and important events in the operations history of the office and includes contracts and formal documents.
0472-04-006 Biographical Records Historical information: PERMANENT: Other records: 3 years after separation from institution. This series contains biographical data for institutional faculty and staff. This series may include but is not limited to: biographical sketches; vitae; photographs; personal history data sheets; newspaper clippings; retirement notices; funeral programs; and obituaries.
0472-04-007 Continuation of Insurance Benefits (COBRA) Records 6 years. This series documents the institution's compliance with the Consolidated Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1986 (COBRA). Records may include notices given to insurance administrators when employees leave the institution, information in the notices includes employee and dependent names and Social Security numbers, insurance package currently carried, dates of termination, coverage end date, and dates of notice to the contractor.
0472-04-008 Deduction Authorization Records 4 years after the end of the fiscal year. This series documents deductions from salary checks authorized by employees. These records include lists with notation of authorized deductions as well as actual deduction forms.
0472-04-009 Defense Base Act (DBA) Records 10 years after all claims are settled. This series documents insurance coverage for institutional employees in foreign countries who are not covered by the State Accident Insurance Fund (SAIF). These records include one-year contracts with a mandated insurance carrier. This series may include but is not limited to: liability claims against the institution that are both open and completed; legal files with affidavits; accident reports; estimates for repairs; police reports; suit status reports; disbursement records; and settlements.
0472-04-010 Election Records Until results are verified. This series documents elections held by various faculty and staff organizations.
0472-04-012 Employee Drug Testing Records Positive drug test results: 5 years; Negative drug test results and drug testing collection records: 2 years. This series documents the drug testing of employees.
0472-04-014 Employee Evaluations 7 years. This series includes routine and non-routine evaluations of an employee's work performance, including executive-level employees and student evaluations of faculty.
0472-04-015 Employee Grievance Records 3 years after resolution. This series documents grievance brought forward by faculty and staff against the institution that are resolved without litigation. (Records of grievances that are litigated become part of the legal case file.) Records may include but are not limited to notices of grievance; informal discussion notes; grievance responses; formal hearing notes (including audio tapes); final summary statements; and appeals documentation.
0472-04-016 Employee Personnel Records Personnel File Closeout Form: 50 years; Supervisor's Copy: 3 years after separation of employee; Employment Eligibility Verification Forms: 3 years; All other records: 7 years following separation of employee from institution. This series documents an employee's work history at the institution. Records may include but are not limited to: personnel file close out form (includes salary at time of separation, final leave totals, and rehire eligibility); copies of Affirmative Action Compliance data forms; applications for admission to graduate school; sabbatical leave records; applications for academic employment; background surveys; employee contracts; athletic contracts/overseas agreements; conditions of employment; memoranda of agreement; notices of appointment; overload compensation requests; patent rights waivers; pay/budget action forms; forms documenting personnel actions; proposals for academic appointment; requests for approval for outside employment; resumes or curriculum vitae; retirement agreements; technology transfer agreements; tenure relinquishment forms; promotion, tenure, and salary increase records; and employee Social Security number disclosure forms.
0472-04-011 Employees Benefits Records 7 years after discontinuation or change in benefits. This series documents employees' participation in benefits programs at the institution. Records may include but are not limited to: Applications for Life Insurance; Authorizations for Electronic Deposit; Health and Dental Enrollment Forms; Benefits Worksheets for Payroll Corrections; Cancellations of Payroll Deduction Authorizations; Insurance Data Change Forms; Employee Status Sheets; Enrollment Status Sheets; Letters of Approval for Coverage from insurance companies; Notices of Declination of Coverage from insurance companies; Notices of Approval of Group Insurance Coverage; Employee Union Membership Applications; Authorization for Payroll Deductions forms; insurance forms; Tax Deferred Investment information; designation of beneficiary forms; and US Savings Bond Payroll Authorizations.
0472-04-013 Employees Employment Verification Records 3 years. This series documents the responses to inquiries for evidence of employment from offices within the institution, banks and credit agencies, government agents, businesses, and current and former personnel. Records may include but are not limited to: copies of written requests; release of information authorization forms; telephone request forms; office control documents; and statistical summaries.
0472-04-017 Employees Training Records 5 years. This series documents employee participation in training courses or programs for development purposes. Records may include but are not limited to: course summaries and certificates of completion.
0472-04-018 Employment Division Summary Reports Annual reports: 10 years; Monthly reports: 3 years. This series documents the number of the institutional employees and payroll costs on a monthly basis and yearly basis. This series includes monthly reports by employee category and annual fiscal year reports, which summarize the monthly data.
0472-04-019 Family and Medical Leave Case Files 3 years after the separation of the employee. This series documents requests for leave and granted leaves by employees under provisions of the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act. Records may include but are not limited to: employee leave request forms; notices to employees of leaves granted or rejected; certification of health care providers for the employee or a family member; employee backup information and leave history records; employee time records; and Continuation of Health and Dental Insurance Benefits Memorandum.
0472-04-020 Garnishment Records 5 years. This series documents requests and court orders to withhold wages from employee earnings for garnishments, tax levies, support payments, or other reasons. This series usually includes original writs of garnishment and recapitulations of amounts withheld.
0472-04-050 Long Distance Authorization Code and Calling Card Ordering and Assignment Forms 2 years after superseded or revoked. This series documents the assignment and use of long distance authorization codes and calling cards to institution employees.
0472-04-021 Medical Surveillance Records 30 years after employee separation. This series documents the medical history of employees working in positions with exposure to high risk hazardous conditions such as Class B and C carcinogenic compounds, asbestos, lead, or excessive noise. Medical examinations of workers are made at the beginning and termination of institution employment and periodically throughout the career course as well as immediately following an accident or potential exposure incident.
0472-04-022 Merit Increase and Trial Service Performance Appraisal Lists 6 months. This series documents classified employees who are expected to receive merit pay increases or successfully complete their six-month trial service period. The lists, organized by academic department or administrative office, include: employee's name; class; social security number; position number; employee status and type; FTE; pay rate qualifier; current step and pay rate; new pay rate and step; and trial service completion date.
0472-04-023 National Faculty Exchange Program Records Summaries: PERMANENT; All other records: 7 years. This series documents an exchange program, which allows university faculty members to exchange teaching positions with other institutions' faculty members within the United States. Records include contracts and summaries.
0472-04-024 Pay Administration Records 4 years. This series is used to substantiate payroll overhead costs. Information in this series may include but is not limited to: employee names; social security numbers; institutions; classifications of positions; units of employment; pay periods; gross pay amounts; various withholdings; overhead amounts; and the accounts used to pay employees.
0472-04-25 Payroll Records Payroll Register and Annual Payroll Earnings Reports: 50 years; Payroll Data Entry Summary Reports: Until superseded by the Payroll Register; Paycheck Delivery Logs: 3 years; Other paycheck delivery records: 1 year after separation of employee; salary and wage records: 4 years after the end of the fiscal year; All other records: 5 years. This series includes payroll registers, annual payroll earnings logs, pay authorization records, payroll adjustment records, payroll check registers, payroll deduction reimbursement records, payroll data entry summary reports, salary and wage records, paycheck delivery records, payroll draws records, and payroll input detail reports.
0472-04-026 Personnel Activity Report Forms 8 years. The PAR is used to request changes of employees' activities, funding, or pay.
0472-04-027 Position Descriptions 5 years after position is reclassified or redescribed. This series documents job descriptions for positions and is used for employee recruiting, Fair Labor Standards Act eligibility analysis, position review, and reclassification purposes. Information in position descriptions may include position names, position numbers, qualifications, functions and responsibilities, duties, hierarchical data, job classification numbers, description of duties, and pay rates. Records may include but are not limited to: position description forms; reclassification position descriptions and documentation; classification listings; and positions listings.
0472-04-028 Position Inventory Control System 〈PICS〉 Reports 4 years. This series documents job classification control and distribution code tracking, and is used to set budgets, to verify control numbers, and to regulate the total authorized FTE.
0472-04-029 Retirement Incentive Program Records 6 years after final payment. This series documents the incentive programs providing benefits for university employees who choose early retirement.
0472-04-049 Safety Training Records 30 years after separation of employee. This series documents employee training and certification such as for equipment operation, hazardous material handling and emergency procedures, driver training, CPR and first aid training, and asbestos awareness training for removal, abatement, or transportation.
0472-04-030 Search Records Academic and classified search records: 4 years after search completed; Student search records: 1 year; Not hired applications: 3 years after position is filled or recruitment canceled; Unsolicited applications: 3 months. This series documents the selection process for positions within the institution. Records may include but are not limited to: applications; curriculum vitae or resumes; academic transcripts; samples of writing or publications; approvals of recruitment proposals; candidate lists; position announcements; position advertisements; position descriptions; certificates of eligibility; copies of Affirmative Action compliance data forms; requests to fill academic position forms; testing records; background surveys; evaluations; and interview materials.
0472-04-031 Shift Summary Sheets 2 years. This series documents the time worked by employees on various jobs on a daily basis. This series is used to provide: a record of time worked by employees for payroll purposes; a record of customer charges incurred for billing purposes; and cost accounting information on a real-time basis. The series may also be used as a back-up source of information for wage related grievance cases brought forth by employees. Information may include: employees' names; descriptions of duties performed; wages paid for each duty; time worked at each duty; outputs connected with each duty; and totals.
0472-04-032 Social Security Number Records Retain until approved; if not approved retain for useful life. This series documents international students' and scholars' acquisition of social security numbers. This series may include but is not limited to: social security number applications; Statement of Information - Social Security Account Number forms; photocopies of social security cards; and Controllers Division reports.
0472-04-033 Staffing Records 2 years after superseded. This series may include but is not limited to: notations on priority staffing decisions; requests for approval of new staff positions; justification statements; descriptions of teaching responsibilities for positions requested; funding information; job announcements; and memoranda.
0472-04-034 Student Employee Time and Attendance Forms, Restricted Funds Records of students paid from U.S. Department of Education awards: 5 years after issuance of final financial report to the awarding agency; Records of work-study students: 3 years after issuance of final financial report to awarding agency or 5 years, whichever is longer; Records of students paid from other restricted funds: 3 years after issuance of final report to the awarding agency. This series documents hours worked by student employees including those on work-study who are paid from restricted fund accounts. This series is used for payroll purposes and to meet federal requirements for documenting time worked by work-study students. This series only includes departmental time and attendance forms.
0472-04-035 Student Social Security/Medicare Tax Review Reports 5 years. This series is used to determine proper FICA coding for student employees. The reports may include but are not limited to: student name and ID number; credit hours carried; budget classification code; FICA quarters earned; year-to-date FICA withheld; and last FICA contribution date.
0472-04-036 Study Abroad Foreign Nationals Payroll Records 3 years after end of enrollment. This series documents payments to foreign nationals employed both full-time and part-time by the institution as support staff for its study abroad programs. This series may include but is not limited to agreements concerning pay rates and accounting information for payments to employees.
0472-04-037 Tax Withholding Authorization Records 4 years after superseded or employee separates. This series documents amounts withheld by Payroll from employees' checks for taxing authorities. This series may include but is not limited to: the Statement for Claiming Benefits Provided by Section 911 of the Internal Revenue Code; Withholding Allowance Certificates (W-4s); Earned Income Credit Advance Payment Certificates (W-5s); Non-resident Alien Request for Exemption from Tax Withholding (IRS Form 8233); Alien Information Request Form; and Request for Exemption from State Income Tax Withholding.
0472-04-038 Termination Lists 3 years. This series documents institutional employees whose records have been deleted from the personnel data base. This series contains annual lists of former employees and includes: employees names; People Soft ID number; department; employment state and end dates; and part/full time status.
0472-04-039 Time, Attendance, and Leave Records Individual Leave Notifications: 5 years; Leave Record: 50 years; Work Time Adjustment Agreements: Until superseded or obsolete; Leave Donation Records: 1 year after leave is used. This series documents time and attendance and leave for faculty, classified, and student employees. Records include: monthly time entry forms which may include hours worked, leave used, employee's name, supervisor's authorization, earnings information, and time distribution information; leave request forms; overtime authorization or certification; leave summary reports; leave without pay records; and work-study time certificates and referrals.
0472-04-040 Transaction Registers Quarterly registers: 4 years; Daily registers: Until superseded. This series documents all employee database data entry transactions. This series includes daily and quarterly registers for deduction, employee, and budget transactions.
0472-04-041 Unemployment Compensation Claim Records 5 years after the end of the fiscal year in which the transaction occurred. This series documents claims submitted by former institution employees for unemployment compensation. Records may include but are not limited to: claim records; notices; reports; and records generated by the appeal of claim determinations.
0472-04-042 Visa Scholars Records, H-1 6 years after expiration of visa and extensions granted. This series documents the temporary employment of internationals by the institution and is used to monitor compliance with Immigration and Naturalization Service regulations. Records may include but are not limited to: Petition for a Non-immigrant Worker; Labor Conditions Applications for H-1B Non-immigrant; Prevailing Wage Information Request; Application to Immigrant and Naturalization Service; documentation of requests for visa extensions; and details of work assignments.
0472-04-043 Visa Scholars Records, Immigrant 10 years following approval of permanent resident status. This series documents the application and approval of international scholars for permanent immigrant status. Records may include but are not limited to: Applications for Alien Employment Certifications issued by the Department of Labor, Employment, and Training Administration; advertisements for positions; curriculum vitae; transcripts; letters of recommendation; notes on all applicants for positions demonstrating that a petitioner was the best qualified candidate for an advertised position; forms indicating the institution's efforts to employ comparably qualified U.S. citizens; and interviewers' notes and memoranda.
0472-04-044 Visa Scholars Records, J-1 3 years after visa expiration. This series documents the short-term appointment of non-immigrant international scholars as visiting faculty, specialists, researchers, and trainees. Records may include but are not limited to: United States Information Service Certificates of Eligibility for Exchange Visitors Forms; descriptions of work to be performed; methods of financial support; copies of passports; check-in forms; and log sheets noting the nature of telephone calls concerning each scholar's status.
0472-04-045 Visiting Scholar Program Records 7 years. This series documents programs that allow one or more visiting scholars to assume residence on campus. This series may include but is not limited to: advertisements; applicant data; arrangements and schedules; publicity and news clippings; presentation transcripts or published works; scholars' vitae; and scholars' activities documentation including audio recordings.
0472-04-046 Volunteer Program Records Individual volunteer files: 3 years after separation; All other record: 3 years. This series documents the activities and administration of an institution's department or office's volunteer program. Records may include: volunteer hour statistics; volunteer program publicity records; insurance requirement information; and inactive volunteer files containing applications and conditions of volunteer service forms.
0472-04-047 Wage and Tax Statements (W-2 Forms) 5 years. This series provides a summary record of data reported on the annual Wage and Tax Statements (W-2) for the institutional employees.
0472-04-048 Workers’ Compensation Claims, Closed 5 years and settlement of all claims due. This series documents employee accidents, injuries, and medical claims.
Information Technology
Record Number Record Title Record Retention Description
0472-10-001 Computer System Documentation, Management, and Maintenance Records Computer Equipment Inventories: 4 years after surplussed and all audit requirements have been met; Records related to backup: Retain for 2 backup cycles; All other records: Life of system, software, or component and all audit requirements have been met. This series documents the addition, modification, maintenance, and removal of software and/or hardware from an institution computer system. Records may include: computer equipment inventories; hardware performance reports; component maintenance records; system backup reports; backup tape inventories; system overviews; operations logs; job listings; system development logs; system specifications and changes; conversion notes; dataset logs; dataset inventories; dataset record layouts; hard copies of tables; data dictionaries; programming logs; program specifications and changes; record layouts; user views; control program table documentation; program listings; instruction manuals; software purchase records; software inventories; and licenses.
0472-10-002 Electronic Data Processing (EDP) Request 1 year. The records document the request for a review of proposed equipment or software purchases to ensure the new equipment and software work with existing campus infrastructure.
0472-10-003 Forms Development Records Until superseded. This series documents the development of new or revised forms within the institution and is used to provide a history of previous forms.
0472-10-004 Information System Planning and Development Records Implemented systems: Life of system and all audit requirements have been met; Unimplemented systems: Useful life. This series documents the planning and development of university information systems. Records may include: information technology plans; feasibility studies; cost-benefit analyses; studies and surveys; system specifications and revisions; component proposals; technical literature; and vendor literature and proposals.
0472-10-005 Network, Computer, and Server Password and Security 5 years This series documents the issuance or selection of network passwords and the administration of the security and monitoring of the institution's network, servers, and computers.

Updated:  October 17, 2017
0472-10-006 System Architecture Documents and Wiring Schemas Until superseded or obsolete, and all audit requirements have been met. Records documenting the location of wiring and the design of the overall agency network environment.
0472-10-007 Telecommunication System Management Records For life of system and all audit requirements have been met. This series documents the creation, modification, and disposition of university telecommunications systems. Records include: equipment records; Federal Communications Commission records; repair order forms; system planning records; telecommunications maintenance contracts; and service orders.
Intercollegiate Athletics
Record Number Record Title Record Retention Description
0472-07-001 Athletic Eligibility Records 10 years. This series is used to provide a record of verification by intercollegiate athletics of student athletes' academic progress to the NCAA or NAIA. These records include academic progress reports.
0472-07-002 Athletic Recruiting Records 5 years or end of eligibility whichever is longer. This series documents the recruitment of athletes into the institution's intercollegiate athletics program. The series also provides a record of the recruitment process for prospective players created by the institution to comply with NCAA, NAIA, and conference rules and regulations. This series may include but is not limited to: the institution's football questionnaire forms; information request cover sheets; grade transcripts; Information for Certification of NCAA Freshman Athletics Eligibility Compliance; letters of intent; copies of admissions forms and materials; performance reports; telephone and conversation notes; mailing lists; and related correspondence.
0472-07-003 Claims Payment Records 7 years after claim is settled. This series documents the verification and payment of secondary coverage insurance claims of injured student athletes. This series may include but is not limited to: lists of requests for claims payment; transmittal letters for reimbursement of the institution; proof of loss forms; intercollegiate athletic reports; and ledgers of providers.
0472-07-004 Competition Record Forms 10 years. This series provides a summary record of individual games and competitions and is used to comply with NCAA and NAIA reporting requirements for both revenue and non-revenue producing sports.
0472-07-005 Game Arrangement Records 3 years. This series is used to provide a reference record of arrangements made for and the schedules of past games. This series may include but is not limited to: team practice schedules; team position assignments/depth charts; itineraries; and bus lists.
0472-07-006 Game Officials’ Evaluation Forms 1 year. This series is used to provide a record of the head coach's evaluation of judging officials' performance at individual football games. The series is also used to comply with NCAA, NAIA, and conference rules and regulations.
0472-07-007 Game Statistics PERMANENT. This series documents the practice, playing, and attendance statistics about each game and the season for each sport by playing year. This series may include but is not limited to: player academic statistics; attendance figures; player training charts; season and game player statistics; recruitment records; special teams statistics; rankings; awards information; NAIA and NCAA game statistics; media releases; all-conference nominations; spring and fall camp depth charts; numerical rosters; media guides; narrative reports on games and scrimmages; final team statistics for each game; NAIA and NCAA official scoring summaries; and play-by-play written reports.
0472-07-008 Individual Athletes Records Historical documents: PERMANENT; All other records: 5 years after separation from the institution. This series documents the athletic history of each athlete who has competed at the institution. Frequently, this series is a continuation of the recruitment file and includes recruitment records if an athlete signs a letter of intent. Records may include: academic major information including performance reports, admissions verification reports, academic transcripts, and financial aid information; recruitment information documents; media articles; photographs; release of information forms; personal data questionnaires; and records of awards.
0472-07-009 Insurance Records 7 years. This series documents medical treatment services rendered off campus for practice or playing related injuries or illnesses which are eligible for partial payment by intercollegiate athletic insurance. This series may include but is not limited to: copies of policies; accident reports; annual insurance questionnaires; notes; claim forms; and payment of insurance records.
0472-07-010 Intramural Sports Waivers 3 years after the conclusion of the intramural sports season. This series documents the legal and medical status of students, faculty, and staff participating in intramural sports activities.
0472-07-011 Play Books 5 years. This series documents the strategies, practice time, and game plays for each game and the season. This series may include but is not limited to: practice plans; game plans; and game results.
0472-07-012 Practice Schedule Records 5 years. This series is used to monitor practice time for athletic teams and assist in complying with NCAA, NAIA, and conference rules and regulations. This series contains team rosters indicating time spent in practice, meeting, training, conditioning, and competition.
0472-07-019 Recreational Services (Intramural, Recreational, and Fitness Records) 3 years This records series documents fitness and training information on clients. Record types include PAR-Q (Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire), medical health history, liability waiver, workout records, fitness assessment data, etc.

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0472-07-015 Scheduling Records 6 years after expiration of contract. This series documents competition schedules set up with other institutions by coaches and the athletic director.
0472-07-013 Sporting Event Attendance Records 3 years. This series documents the total ticket sales, concessions for each sporting event, visitor pass records, and ticket requests.
0472-07-014 Sports Merchandising Records 4 years. This series documents the sale of institutional and NCAA or NAIA-licensed merchandise at sporting events. Records may include sales reports and merchandise comment sheets.
0472-07-016 Student Athletes Academic Advising Records 5 years after last enrollment. This series documents academic advising of prospective and current student athletes, provides records of academic progress while students are involved in athletic programs at the institution, and complies with NCAA, NAIA, and conference reporting requirements. These records include: letters of intent; renewals of letters of intent; transcripts; grade reports; petitions; academic evaluations; advanced standing reports; advisors' report sheets showing progress towards academic degree; program planning sheets; NCAA Progress Reports; and students' requests for release from athletic programs.
0472-07-017 Student Athletes Dining Rosters 2 years. This series documents the meals consumed by student athletes as part of the training table.
0472-07-018 Student Athletes Medical Records Positive drug test results: 5 years or end of eligibility, whichever is longer; Negative drug test results: 2 years; All other records: 3 years after student is last enrolled. This series documents the medical history of each athlete before and during his/her attendance at the institution. This series may include but is not limited to: drug test records; annual health appraisals; authorization to release information forms; treatment consent forms; assumption of risk forms; accident reports; X-rays and X-ray reports; prescription records; off campus treatment source records; insurance questionnaires; and psychological counseling records.
Record Number Record Title Record Retention Description
0472-14-001 Attorney General Opinions PERMANENT. This series documents responses of the State Attorney General's Office to legal questions posed by the institution's legal advisor and administrative officers which may have an impact on the institution's operations and policy.
0472-14-002 Contracts and Agreements Records Contracts or agreements documenting building construction, alterations, or repair: 10 years after expiration; Other contracts and agreements: 7 years after expiration. This series documents the negotiation, execution, completion, and termination of legal agreements between an institution and other parties, and for personal/professional services. Records include a copy of the official contract or agreement, memoranda of understanding, amendments, exhibits, and addenda.
0472-14-003 Legal Case Records Records of cases resulting in major policy modification, non-confidential components of cases considered historical, and summary statements: PERMANENT; All other records: 7 years after final decision. This series contains case files pertaining to subjects such as: affirmative action conflicts; salary disputes; differences in interpretation of contract language; risk management controversies; and tenure relinquishment disagreements.
0472-14-004 Open Records Request 3 years. Records include: written requests received by the office; written and dated responses issued by the office; and approval of release of the information.
0472-14-005 Patent and Invention Records Original patents, formal invention assignment forms, license agreements, patent legal transactions, and invention disclosure forms: PERMANENT; All other records: 7 years. This series documents the transfer of technology from the institution to outside agencies as the result of research projects and grants carried out at the institution. This series may include but is not limited to: original patents; patent applications; international licensing agreements; agreements giving permission for institutional researchers to use other patented inventions in their research; invention disclosure forms that list the names of the inventors; descriptions and titles of inventions; sources of funding to create the inventions; details of the provenance of the inventions and their documentation; to whom the inventions have been disclosed; suggested manufacturers; reports issued concerning the inventions; and signatures of inventors and technically qualified witnesses.
0472-14-006 Subpoenas and/or Production of Documents Requests 5 years. This series documents subpoenas and/or production of documents requests from third parties.
0472-14-007 Trademarks Licensing Records 7 years after expiration of licensing agreement. This series documents the legal authority for non-system agencies to use the logos and other symbols constituting the registered trademarks of the institution. This series may include but is not limited to: names and addresses of approved licensees; their annual gross dollar sales of institutionally trademarked items; invoices showing royalties paid to the institution for use of the trademarks; licensing agreements; and samples of the requesting licensees' art work.
Library/Archives/Records Management and Museum
Record Number Record Title Record Retention Description
0472-11-001 Agency Files Routine administrative records: Retain 5 years; Agency RMO Information: Until superseded; All other records: PERMANENT. Documents relating to coordinating, supervising, and offering assistance to agencies in conducting records management and archival programs, including Records Retention Schedules and RMO information.
0472-11-003 Appraisal Records Life of item. This series documents monetary value appraisals of institutional artifacts, objects, and collections.
0472-11-002 Archives Environmental Monitoring Reports 10 years. This series documents the environmental conditions in archival facilities and may include hygrothermograph charts and reports documenting the humidity and temperature over time.
0472-11-004 Circulation Records Until material is returned, fines are paid, and, if applicable, information is summarized into statistical report. This series documents the borrowing of circulating library materials by qualified patrons.
0472-11-005 Collections and Artifact Acquisition, Deaccession, and Exchange Records PERMANENT. This series documents the acquisition, accession, use, preservation, storage, transfer, and disposition of artifacts and collections. This series may include but is not limited to: acquisition/accession log; cataloging worksheets; deed of gift; object file cards; subject file cards; numerical file cards; wildlife collecting permits; guns and weapons registration forms; condition/conservation records; reformatting logs; photographs; donor correspondence; descriptions of property; inventory lists; incoming loan agreements; background data about the collections and/or persons associated with the collections; receipt of collections documentation; donor agreements; purchasing data; preliminary descriptive inventory files; publicity records; foundation equity history reports; declaration of charitable gifts forms; copyright; citation information; and permission to publish or reproduce images forms.
0472-11-006 Collections or Artifact Loan Records 7 years after the termination of the loan. This series documents artifact and material loans.
0472-11-007 Conservation and Repair Records PERMANENT. This series documents the conservation and repair of materials. This series may include but is not limited to: bookbinding records and treatment logs.
0472-11-008 Exhibit Records Exhibit descriptions or scripts, exhibit renderings and layout diagrams, photographs of exhibits, lists of artifacts included, and publicity or advertisements for the exhibits: PERMANENT; All other records: Useful life. This series documents the display and use of artifacts and materials held by the collection units or displays created by the units. This series may include but is not limited to: research materials concerning the cultural environmental setting surrounding the artifacts; bibliographies; lists of artifacts or items considered for inclusion; drafts of exhibit descriptions or scripts; publicity or advertisements for exhibits; artifact labels; photographs of exhibits; exhibit renderings and layout diagrams; exhibit scheduling and transport information; contracts and agreements; evaluation forms; condition forms; and exhibit assembly and presentation instructions.
0472-11-009 Finding Aids (Indexes) or Tracking Systems Until superseded. This record consists of indexes, lists, registers, and other finding aids used to provide access to records.
0472-11-010 Inter-Library Loan (ILL) Records 3 years. This series documents requests made of the institution for materials from outside sources and also institution requests for materials from other institutions.
0472-11-011 Microfilm Quality Control and Inspection Records (Filming) 3 years. This series documents the activities of a micrographics program in prepping and filming records. This series includes but is not limited to: production reports, activity reports, film logs, title targets, and lists of records to be filmed.
0472-11-012 Microfilm Quality Control and Inspection Records (Processing) Quality inspection reports: Life of microfilm; All other records: 7 years. This series documents the proper processing of microfilm to show compliance with technical standards. This series may include but is not limited to: lab inspection forms, processing/duplicating lab reports, film inspection reports, and monitoring logs (processing).
0472-11-013 Microfilm Quality Control and Inspection Records (Storage) Annual master negative inspection reports: PERMANENT; Transmittal and evaluation reports: Life of microfilm; Vault monitoring records: 5 years; Inventories and condition reports of duplicating masters and reference copies: Useful life. This series documents the holdings in a microforms storage facility along with inspection records monitoring its environmental stability. These records include but are not limited to: hygrothermograph charts, vault transmittal and evaluation records, vault inventory log, film sample documentation/annual master negative inspection reports, inventory of duplicating masters, and condition reports on reference copies of microfilm.
0472-11-015 Records Management Records Record destruction authorizations: PERMANENT; Record transmittal lists, reference requests, and temporary and permanent withdrawals: Life of record; All other records: Until superseded. This series document the retention and disposition of records created by the institution's offices in accordance with the institutional records retention schedule approved and authorized by the State Records Committee. This series may include but is not limited to: records destruction authorizations; records inventory worksheets; special records disposition schedules; records transmittal lists; records center pull requests, and guides to microfilmed records.
0472-11-014 Records of State Records Center Transmittals; transmittal logs; and destruction authorizations and certifications requests: PERMANENT; Reference requests and pull logs: 3 years; Permanent withdrawals: Life of record. The records document the State Records Center's services to state and local government agencies and includes, but is not limited to: destruction authorizations and certifications pull lists, transmittal logs, and transmittals.
0472-11-016 Reference Request Records and Forms Electronic summaries, manuscript request forms, and copy requests: PERMANENT; Non-manuscript request forms: 1 year; Research requests files and logs: 3 years; Confidentiality agreements: 2 years; Databases and other records used to track pulls: Useful life; All other records: 5 years. This series documents scholarly requests for information about or access to items within the institution's collections. This series may include but is not limited to: collection service request forms; dates of receipt and completion of requests; staff member handling the requests; amount of time spent on handling the requests; and disposition of the requests.
0472-11-017 Registration Records Patron records: 2 years after expiration of membership; Guest records: 2 years after last contact. Records used to grant borrower or viewing privileges to patrons.
0472-11-018 Scanning Records Metadata and master files: Life of image; All other records: 3 years. This series documents the scanning of institutional records. This series may include but is not limited to: lists of records to be scanned, activity reports, metadata, master files, and reference files.
0472-11-019 Serials Records Until superseded. This series documents the receipt of serials purchased by the libraries.
Medical Services
Record Number Record Title Record Retention Description
0472-08-001 Communicable Disease Records 3 years. This series may include but is not limited to: laboratory test results; name and address of student; date; and person making referral.
0472-08-002 Immunization Reporting Records 3 years. This series is used to comply with State Health Division reporting requirements for immunizations given to patients. Records include immunization log sheets and annual reports.
0472-08-003 Laboratory Inspection Records Calibrations: Life of the equipment; All other records: 3 years. This series documents in-house inspection of laboratory equipment on a quarterly basis.
0472-08-004 Laboratory Test Requests 5 years. This series documents physician orders for laboratory tests for students receiving services at the student health center.
0472-08-005 Medical, Counseling, Psychological, and Psychiatric Case Records 10 years or until client reaches age 28, whichever is longer. This series documents the medical, counseling, psychological, or psychiatric services provided to students and non-students who receive treatment and other medical services, such as vaccines, from the student health center or other health providers. This series may include but is not limited to: appointment request slips; summary sheets; test results; treatment record forms; diagnosis sheets; X-rays; health history/screening sheets; initial evaluation/assessment sheets; referral sheets; health center billing statements; personal health history sheets; notation of services provided and dates; dental examination sheets and X-rays; laboratory test results; physical therapy notes; X-ray release forms; and X-ray requisitions with narrative of radiologist.
0472-08-006 Patient Logs 3 years. This series is used to log in patients who visit the student health center. It may also be used to create annual census reports and 3-year census comparisons.
0472-08-007 Pharmacy Prescription Dispensation Records Prescription records: 3 years; Drug dosage records: 5 years. This series is used to provide an individual, daily summary, and annual summary record of initial drug dispensation and refills administered by the department as required by the State Pharmacy Board.
0472-08-008 Practitioner Schedules 3 years. This series documents the practitioners' work schedules.
0472-08-009 Radiographic Quality Assurance Records 3 years. This series documents the setting of measurable standards and procedures for radiographic safety and professional quality by professionals on staff. This series may include but is not limited to: reports by the radiographic staff; quality assurance committee notes; and staff reviews.
0472-08-010 Student Health Center Staff Licensure Records Until superseded. This series documents the professional and regulatory issuance of credentials to individuals and facilities providing services within the student health center.
0472-08-011 Student Health Insurance Records 7 years after expiration of policy and settlement of all claims. This series documents students' insurance coverage activity under institution insurance policies. This series may include but is not limited to: benefit explanations; payment summaries; photocopies of checks; invoices; policy change sheets; and ledgers.
0472-08-012 Surgical Instrument Sterilization Records 3 years. This series documents the sterilization of surgical instruments used by the student health center staff.
Police, Security and Safety
Record Number Record Title Record Retention Description
0472-13-004A and B Asbestos Records (0472-13-004A) Records documenting personal contact with asbestos: 30 years after separation; (0472-13-004B) All other records: 30 years. This series documents a building by building survey and plan to correct asbestos material hazards. This series may include but is not limited to: surveys; monitoring tests and reports; data forms; building plans; correction checklists; and removal records.
0472-13-006 Building System, Fire, and Inspection Records 5 years. This series documents building security and fire alarm systems, including maintenance and inspection records; inspections done by various agencies such as the city building department, health department, or fire department in the course of routine business and is used by the institution to correct and analyze safety problems and to document compliance with regulations.
0472-13-037 Campus Security Authority (CSA) Reporting Records 7 years. This series includes reports of alleged incidents to have occurred on campus but not reported to police.
0472-13-007A and B Carcinogenic Comp Inventory Research & Use, Chem & Hazardous Waste Dispose, Survey Rep, Incident Rep (0472-13-007A) Records documenting personal contact with compounds: 30 years after separation; (0472-13-007B) All other records: 30 years. Full Name of Series: Carcinogenic Compound Inventory Research and Use, Chemical and Hazardous Waste Dispose, Survey Reports, and Incident Reports. This series documents the inventory and use of hazardous carcinogenic compounds by institutional researchers. This series may contain but is not limited to: inventories; research protocols; applications for use of Class B and C chemical carcinogens; chemical carcinogen animal care requirement forms; lists of personnel involved in laboratory contact with chemical carcinogens; and lists of carcinogenic compounds to be used in the specific research projects. Also includes receipt, shipment, and disposal of chemical material or hazardous wastes including inspection records, drum packing sheets, Uniform Hazardous Waste forms (EPA 8700), certificates of disposal from vendors; land disposal notification forms, and waste disposal records. Also includes records used to document student and employee exposure to hazardous chemicals as required by federal regulations.
0472-13-033A and B Criminal Incident Statistical Reports (0472-13-033A) Annual Report: Permanent; (0472-13-033B) Other periodic reports: 5 years. Uniform Crime Reports.
0472-13-034 Criminal Trespass Notification Records 6 years. These records document persons who have been prohibited from entering campus properties.
0472-13-005 Dispatch and Automatic Call Distribution Vector Records 3 years or until case is adjudicated, whichever is longer. This series documents dispatch of officers to both criminal and noncriminal incidents occurring on campus and the technical programming for automatic call distribution.
0472-13-035 Emergency Management Operations Reports 3 years. Records documenting the type of emergency operation and the assistance provided.

Updated:  April 05, 2017
0472-13-012 Environmental Regulations Records 10 years. This series documents institutional compliance with environmental laws and guidelines of federal, state, or local governments. This series may include but is not limited to: Title V Air Discharge permits; air quality reports; waste water discharge permit applications; waste water discharge permits; water quality reports; waste water discharge records; notices of violation; and notices of non-compliance.
0472-13-036 Evidence and Property Logs 5 years after disposition of property. Documents evidence, property stored for safekeeping, and found property acquired and maintained by the police dept.
0472-13-014 Human Materials Authorizations Records 10 years. This series documents faculty proposals to use human biological materials in classroom instruction.
0472-13-015 Identification/Signature Card Records 4 years after superseded or employee separation. This series documents the issuance of identification cards.
0472-13-001B Incident & Accident Reports, Criminal Investigation Case Files - Non-Capital Felonies & Misdemeanor 20 years after settlement of case. This series documents reports of incidents of known or suspected criminal activity, vehicular accidents, personal injury reports, and miscellaneous calls for service occurring on campus and surrounding streets. Records include incident type, date, time, case number, and details of the incident.Criminal Investigation Case Files include any documents relevant to the investigation of suspected criminal activity in order to arrest and convict the perpetrators; includes incident reports and supplements, documentary evidence, criminal history information, affidavits or other written statements, copies of subpoenas, State Crime Laboratory reports etc.
0472-13-001C Incident & Accident Reports, Criminal Investigation Case Files - Personal Injury Cases & Vehicle Acc 7 years Full Title: Incident and Accident Reports, Criminal Investigation Case Files - Personal Injury cases and Vehicle Accident Reports This series documents reports of incidents of known or suspected criminal activity, vehicular accidents, personal injury reports, and miscellaneous calls for service occurring on campus and surrounding streets. Records include incident type, date, time, case number, and details of the incident.Criminal Investigation Case Files include any documents relevant to the investigation of suspected criminal activity in order to arrest and convict the perpetrators; includes incident reports and supplements, documentary evidence, criminal history information, affidavits or other written statements, copies of subpoenas, State Crime Laboratory reports etc.
0472-13-001D Incident and Accident Reports, Criminal Investigation Case Files - Miscellaneous Reports 3 years. This series documents reports of incidents of known or suspected criminal activity, vehicular accidents, personal injury reports, and miscellaneous calls for service occurring on campus and surrounding streets. Records include incident type, date, time, case number, and details of the incident.Criminal Investigation Case Files include any documents relevant to the investigation of suspected criminal activity in order to arrest and convict the perpetrators; includes incident reports and supplements, documentary evidence, criminal history information, affidavits or other written statements, copies of subpoenas, State Crime Laboratory reports etc.Miscellaneous Reports documents incidents that may not be criminal in nature (neither felony nor misdemeanor) and miscellaneous calls for service occurring on campus and surrounding streets. These can include witness to civil actions, or emergency response, etc.
0472-13-001A Incident and Accident Reports, Criminal Investigation Case Files - Capital Felonies Capital Felonies: 50 years after settlement of case. This series documents reports of incidents of known or suspected criminal activity, vehicular accidents, personal injury reports, and miscellaneous calls for service occurring on campus and surrounding streets. Records include incident type, date, time, case number, and details of the incident. Criminal Investigation Case Files include any documents relevant to the investigation of suspected criminal activity in order to arrest and convict the perpetrators; includes incident reports and supplements, documentary evidence, criminal history information, affidavits or other written statements, copies of subpoenas, State Crime Laboratory reports etc.
0472-13-032A and B Internal Affairs Investigations (0472-13-032A) Founded: 50 years after settlement of case; (0472-13-032B) Unfounded: 1 year after investigation completed. This series contains records used to investigate complaints against public safety officers.
0472-13-020 Material Safety Data Sheets Records 30 years. This series documents the institution's inventory of hazardous chemicals; record keeping is mandated by the Hazardous Communications Program of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
0472-13-023 Protective Wear and Device Request Records 3 years after disposal of items. This series documents the authorization and acquisition of specialized safety devices and clothing for employees working in hazardous situations.
0472-13-024 Radiation Material Licensing, Handling, Disposal, Monitoring, Exposure, and Safety Committee Retain in office. This series documents the licensing of the institution to receive, use, store, dispose of, and ship radioactive materials and to provide a record of the reception, handling, shipment, and disposal of radioactive material or radioactive hazardous wastes at the institution to comply with federal and state record keeping and reporting requirements. Records may include: waste material pick up requests and tags; radioactive waste drum inventory forms; uniform hazardous waste manifest forms; radiation waste shipment and disposal manifest forms; radiation material inventory sheets; radiation material shipment receipt record forms; waste disposal record cards; disposal site letters of arrival acknowledgment; sewered radioactive material log sheets etc.
0472-13-028A, B, and C Security Access Records (0472-13-028A) Cardkey and key issuance records: 5 years after superseded; (0472-13-028B) Security access logs: 6 months; (0472-13-028C) Securities log: 60 days. Records documenting employee, student, and visitor access to institution facilities.
0472-13-029A, B, and C Security Surveillance Records (0472-13-029A) Digital or analog video recordings and images from agency security systems: 30 days or until settlement of known civil claims; (0472-13-029B) Video recordings from vehicles or body worn devices shall be retained from 180 days; (0472-13-029C) If video is part of an investigation, accident, detainment, or use of force: 30 months or until after final adjudication. This series includes video/audio recordings from patrol vehicles, body worn cameras, and campus security/surveillance systems.
0472-13-039A and B Speed Detection Device Documentation (0472-13-039A) Resolution, original application documents, database, and road list: Retain in office; (0472-13-039B) Additional records: 6 years. This series of documents include the Dept. of Transportation approved resolution to run radar, a list of streets approved to run radar and all updates to the list. Additional records include applications to run radar, officer certifications, and the Certificate of Calibration.
0472-13-022 Traffic and Parking Citations, Citation Logs, and Warnings 2 years after final adjudication. This series documents traffic and/or misdemeanor violations of law or city ordinances.
0472-13-038 Use of Force 7 years. Documents related to reporting use of force. Information contained in the report includes what level of force was used and why.
0472-13-031 Vehicle Assistance and Parking Related Records 5 years. This series documents registration and parking of motor vehicles, motorcycles, and bicycles. This shall include, but not be limited to; vehicle registration, decal assignment, parking space assignment, release of liability waivers, and all other documents and reports related to parking and registration.
Property Management
Record Number Record Title Record Retention Description
0472-12-001 Buildings/Grounds Repair, Maintenance, Remodeling, and Construction Records As built floor plans, layouts, and specifications: PERMANENT; All other records: 7 years. This series documents the condition, upkeep, and routine maintenance of the institution's buildings and grounds. It also documents remodeling and construction projects with a total expenditure of less than $100,000 over six years. This series may include but is not limited to: floor plans; specifications; layouts; sketches; maintenance agreements; work logs; and sign-in sheets.
0472-12-002 Capital Construction Project Records As built floor plans, layouts, and specifications: PERMANENT; All other records: 11 years after completion of the project. Records relating to the planning, administration, and implementation of capital construction projects; includes project descriptions and requirements, bid records, plan reviews, project schedules, contract changes, consultant contracts, and budgets.
0472-12-003 Chemical Application Records 3 years. This series documents the application of chemicals such as pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers to institutional property. Information usually includes: date used; weather conditions; application area; chemical applied; mix ratio; and coverage rate.
0472-12-005 Federal Property Records 7 years after termination of agreement, grant contract, or disposal of equipment. This series provides documentation for and monitoring of institution-owned properties loaned to the institution or agency-owned property purchased with non-institutional state funds for research contract use at the institution. This series may include but is not limited to: annual equipment inventory lists; federal physical equipment inventory reports; copies of federal form DD 1419; institutional acquisition, transfer, and disposition forms; and memoranda of understanding or agreements.
0472-12-004 Land Inventory Records PERMANENT. This series lists each parcel that has been acquired through ownership or under some form of lease agreement, includes deeds and transmittals listing the individual properties.
0472-12-006 Leases 7 years after expiration of agreement. This series documents agreements for the transfer of the right to possession and use of goods or property for a specified term. This series includes lease agreements and amendments or addenda.
0472-12-007 Real Property Records 11 years after property is sold. This series documents the real property acquired and sold by the institution. This series may include but is not limited to: contracts and agreements; title abstracts; easement details; public hearing notices and minutes; county recorder's plat descriptions; memoranda of understanding; earnest money receipts; sales agreements; and property deeds.
0472-12-008 Utilities Systems Operating and Maintenance Records 5 years after disposition of equipment. This series documents the operations and maintenance of institutional utilities. This series may include but is not limited to: equipment operations logs; mechanical reading charts; and equipment maintenance histories.
Record Number Record Title Record Retention Description
0472-09-001 Animal Breeding and Management Records 3 years. This series includes records relating to the care, management, and breeding of animals for research and teaching purposes.
0472-09-002 Institutional Research Records Minutes and final research reports: PERMANENT; Funding summaries and funded applications: 5 years; Records relating to research: Retain 3 years after completion of research. All other records: Retain 3 years. This series documents the activities of institutional research projects including the review and approval process by institutional councils and boards. Research project include but are not limited to human, animal, or biosafety projects. Records may include: applications for approval by the review board; Protection of Human Subjects forms; Protection of Human Subject C Assurance/ Certification/Declaration forms; descriptions of protocol; signed consent forms; sample questionnaires or surveys; copies of grant proposals; review summaries; scientific evaluations that accompany the proposal; approved sample consent documents; statements of findings; progress reports; reports of injuries to subjects; records of attendance; actions of the committee; requests for approval to use animals; subsequent actions on the requests; applicant case files; agendas; minutes; reports; notes; working papers; funding summaries; award letters; and applications for research support.
0472-09-003 Research and Teaching Drug Inventory Records 2 years. This series documents the daily inventory of drugs and controlled substances held by units for clinical, instructional, and research uses. These records include daily shift inventory logs listing descriptions, quantities, and initials of pharmacists conducting the inventories.
0472-09-004 Research Data (Human or Animal Subjects or Agriculture) Projects of major national or international significance, interest, or controversy, or where the principal investigator has a widely acknowledged influence on the area of scholarship: PERMANENT; Projects that are not of major significance but there are potential long-term affects: Retain 70 years after completion of project; Projects that are not of major significance and where the research does not have potential long term affects: 3 years after completion of research project. This series documents the results of laboratory testing performed on humans, animals, or agricultural products. The reports may include but are not limited to: case numbers; details of tests, genetic trials, disease and pest management testing; test results; evaluations; and related data.
0472-09-005 Research Grant Proposal Development Records Useful life. This series includes the administrative activities involved in the formulation and deliberations leading to application for funding and approval or commencement of research.
0472-09-006 Research Grant Records Final research report: PERMANENT; All other records: 7 years after the end of the grant period. These records relate to funded research grant proposals and research activity associated with grant-funded projects. Examples of records include: supporting statistics, demographic data, draft proposals, suggested revisions, final proposals, forms, protocols, applications, research/activity reports, progress reports, and summary reports.
0472-09-007 Scientific Misconduct Records 7 years after the expiration of the project or 1 year after litigation, whichever is longer. This series is used to provide a record of accusations of misconduct brought forward by or against faculty or students and relating to research projects. These records include accusation statements and inquiry committee findings.
0472-09-008 Unfunded Research Grant Proposal Applications Records Retain 2 year after submission. This series documents grant proposals developed by institutional units which have not been funded. This series may include but is not limited to: supporting statistics; demographic data; draft proposals; suggested revisions; and final proposals.
Student Records
Record Number Record Title Record Retention Description
0472-06-001 Academic Standing Reports 5 years. This series documents student academic standing, including academic deficiency and the status changes of academically deficient students. Records may include: reports containing student names, grade point averages (GPA), grade point deficiencies, and numbers of previous suspensions and probations; student petitions for re-evaluation; report of student progress toward academic readmission/removal of probation status at other institutions; and academic honors and awards.
0472-06-002 Admission Program Records Final reports: PERMANENT; All other records: 5 years. This series provides summary information relating to student admission programs that may be used for control, planning, or review.
0472-06-003 Alumni and Alumni Associations Records Programs, agendas, minutes, bylaws, and reports: PERMANENT; mailing lists, data cards and files for individual alumni, and membership directories: Until superseded; All other records: 5 years. This series documents the activities of alumni and alumni groups.
0472-06-004 Athletic Scholarship and Grant-in-Aid Award Records NCAA records: 10 years; All other records: 5 years. This series is used to provide athletic departments with information pertaining to player eligibility and receipt of financial aid in the form of scholarships to monitor accounts, and to assist in complying with NCAA, NAIA, and conference rules and regulations. These records include: squad lists; conference eligibility reports; team roster update sheets; scholarship count sheets; applications; nominee lists; eligibility questionnaires; eligibility reports; and credit voucher request sheets.
0472-06-005 Class Gift Records PERMANENT. This series provides a record of gifts given to the institution by classes.
0472-06-006 College Department Student Files 5 years after graduation or date of last enrollment. This file contains documents related to the college's process of graduation certification. Included are checklist for graduation, grade reports, student academic records, official change of grade forms, official request forms for permission to change colleges within the university system, and letters of reference.
0472-06-007 Commencement Records 1 Commencement Program: PERMANENT; All other records: Useful life. This series documents commencement program planning and implementation at the institution.
0472-06-008 Course and Class Records Permanent. This series provides instructional units with an official record of students enrolled in courses taught and documents test scores and semester end grades of each student.
0472-06-009 Credit Bureau Reports 2 years after collected or deemed uncollectible. This series documents holders of student loans that have been reported to credit bureaus.
0472-06-010 Diploma Mailing Verification Records 1 year. This series documents students' requests to have diplomas and other graduation records distributed to specific addresses.
0472-06-011 Enrollment Reports Final reports: PERMANENT; All other records: 2 years. This series is used to provide the President's office with a record of enrollments which may be used for planning and research. Information contained in the reports includes student names and levels, grade point averages, demographic data, and academic majors.
0472-06-012 Examinations, Tests, Term Papers, Homework Records, and Grade Books Uncontested grade results: 1 term after completion; Contested grade results: Until resolved, whichever is longer. This series documents student subject mastery in institution courses. Records may include but are not limited to: examinations and answers; quizzes and answers; homework assignments; course papers; term papers; essay assignments; and grade books. This series does not include graduate student qualifying or comprehensive examinations.
0472-06-013 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Documents Life of the affected record. This series documents the process of student information release requests and consent authorizations or denials in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Records may include but are not limited to: requests for formal hearings; requests for release of personally identifiable information; records of disclosures made to third parties; student statements regarding hearing panel decisions; written decisions of the hearing panel; written consent of the student to disclose records; and waivers for rights of access.
0472-06-014 Federal Title IV Institutional Records 7 years after expiration of agreement. Records document an institution's eligibility to participate in and its administration of Federal Title IV programs, including Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL), Direct Loan, Federal Perkins Loan, and Nursing Loan. Records include: Institutional Program Participation Agreement; recertification; education program eligibility; accreditation reviews and reports; state agency reports; audits and program reviews and consortia agreements between and among schools.
0472-06-015 Federal Title IV Student Loan Records Records relating to a borrower's eligibility: 5 years after the end of the award year in which the student last attended the institution; Records relating to administration of the loan: 5 years after the end of the award year in which aid was awarded and dispersed; Fiscal Operations Report, Application to Participate and supporting documentation: 5 years after the end of the award year in which the FISAP is submitted. Borrower's Loan Records: 5 years after loan repayment, debt cancellation, or assignment to the U.S. Department of Education. All other records: 5 years after the end of the award year in which the records are submitted. This series document student eligibility for and administration of individual student loans under the Federal Title IV Aid Programs, including Federal Family Loan (FFEL), Direct Loan, Federal Perkins Loan, and Nursing Loan. Records may include but are not limited to: eligibility records (student and/or parent); applications; disbursement records; promissory notes; Student Status Confirmation Reports (SSCR); repayment schedules; statements of rights and responsibilities; documentation of all professional judgments decisions; financial aid history information; documentation of student's satisfactory academic progress. These records fall under the requirements of 16 CFR 314.4(c)(6), but it has been determined that no conflict exists because these records are necessary for the business operations of USG institutions and to comply with state law. Therefore, 聽the retention requirements listed in this schedule should be followed.
0476-06-016 Fraternity and Sorority Membership Records 5 years after last enrollment. This series documents personal information on each organization member.
0472-06-017 Grade Change Reports 5 years after record creation. This series documents grade changes submitted by instructors through the academic departments to the registrar.
0472-06-018 Graduate Student Tuition Remission Records 8 years. This series documents the remission of tuition for courses taken by eligible graduate students, such as research and/or teaching assistants.
0472-06-019 Graduate Students Denied Admission/No Show Records 3 years after application term This series documents the application and evaluation process for students applying to enter an instructional unit's academic graduate program who are denied admission or who were admitted but failed to enroll or withdrew. Records may include but are not limited to: applications for admission to graduate school forms; departmental action forms; standardized examination reports; foreign student financial documentation; departmental or college supplemental application forms; departmental or college student application status reports; letters of recommendation; resumes; and transcripts.
0472-06-020 International Student Records 5 years after graduation or date of last attendance but at least 1 year after final notice to Immigration and Naturalization Service; Non-admitted applicant records: 2 years. This series documents institution assistance to international students who have applied for admission to academic programs. These records primarily concern institution admissions, immigration issues, and other non-academic matters. Records may include but are not limited to: letters of inquiry from prospective students; official replies to inquiries; copies of visas; scholarship information; institution admissions forms; graduate school applications; transcripts of previous college work; grade reports of prior college work; grade reports from institutional courses; international student advisors' notes; degree completion certificates; explanations for student withdrawals; and recommendations and evaluations of students.
0472-06-021 Internship Program Records 5 years. This series is used to provide a record of the administration of student internship, practicum, and cooperative education programs. Records may include but are not limited to: applications for internships internal and external to the institution; agreements with departments; postings/notices; student resumes; transcripts; copies of contracts; and proposed institution listings.
0472-06-022 Minority Scholars Program Records 5 years after award notification. This series documents the application, selection, and progress of students belonging to various minority groups who apply for minority scholarships. This series may contain but is not limited to: applications; candidate selection information; academic and personal information about applicants; notifications of award; notifications of denial of award; applicants letters of decline; and notifications of transfer to another institution.
0472-06-023 Month-to-Month Transaction Reports 2 years. This series documents student loan activity on a monthly basis by transaction type.
0472-06-024 National Testing Records 3 years after testing date. This series provides a record of the services rendered to clients by administering tests required of students seeking admission to various programs or seeking to substitute already acquired knowledge for formal college courses. Records may include but are not limited to: testing rules and regulations; rosters of test takers; seating charts; supervisors' reports; and vouchers for payment of testing. This series does not include test scores.
0472-06-025 Pell Grant Reports 5 years after audit. This series consists of copies of summary reports submitted to the Pell Grant Scholarship program on a routine basis. Reports summarize money awarded, received and disbursed, the balance remaining, and dates.
0472-06-026 Placement Records 5 years. This series documents the written reference history of a student to be forwarded to potential employers or professional schools. Records may include but are not limited to: credentials records showing where, when, and cost of letters sent; release of information form which includes a listing of the reference letters to be sent; reference letters; student teaching reports; professional program certificates; personal data sheets; resumes; and college interview forms.
0472-06-027 Placement Survey Records Reports: PERMANENT; Questionnaires: 3 years. This series documents the results of a placement survey conducted every two years of recent graduates. Records may include but are not limited to: reports and questionnaires that provide the following information on individual alumni: career status or job title; continuing education; geographic location; source of finding employment; relationship of employment to major; salary; computer training needs; and number of years enrolled.
0472-06-028 Recruiters Records 2 years. This series provides a record of recruiter visits to the campus to conduct job interviews. Records may include but are not limited to: scheduling calendars; Recruiter Schedules; affirmative action statements; recruiter information forms; lists of interviewees; and feedback forms from recruiters.
0472-06-029 Residency Affidavits 5 years after graduation or date of last attendance but at least 1 year after final notice to Immigration and Naturalization Service. This series documents declarations filed by students regarding state residency status which is critical for determining tuition status.
0472-06-030 Services to Students with Disabilities (SSD) Records 5 years after last contact. This series documents student participation in the Services to Students with Disabilities Program. Records may include but are not limited to: health professional evaluation reports; recommendations for student applicants; high school transcripts and academic work-sheets; autobiographical essays; copies of applications for admission; copies of notices of admission; special admissions applications checklists; questionnaires; and physicians' statements and letters of recommendation.
0472-06-031 Special Academic Programs Student Records Accepted and enrolled participants: 5 years; Denied admission or did not enroll: 2 years. This series documents and tracks the application, admission, selection, and progress of institution students participating in special academic programs serving, guiding, and aiding institution students, including counseling, tutoring, and tuition waiver assistance. Programs may include but are not limited to: the English Language Institute (ELI) and American English Institute; Educational Opportunities Program (EOP); non-traditional student programs; Older Than Average Student Program and Adult Learners; National Student Exchange Program (NSE); Native American Science Program (NASP); University Exploratory Studies Student Program (UESP); Study Abroad Program; Academic Learning Services (ALS); Peer Advising; and other special academic programs. This series consists of individual files for students and includes but is not limited to: application documentation; personal information; medical and health documentation; admission and non-acceptance documentation; recommendations and evaluative materials; copies of academic records; counseling and advising notes and documentation; risk release and insurance forms; immigration and citizenship documentation; financial responsibility records; and reports.
0472-06-032 Special Program Student Records 3 years after separation from program. This series documents and tracks the application, selection, and progress in special instructional programs of elementary through high school and non-institution students belonging to special, minority, or disadvantaged groups. Examples of programs to which this series applies are Science and Mathematics Investigative Learning Experiences (SMILE), Upward Bound, High School Equivalency, and other non-institution programs. Records may include but are not limited to: application and admission documentation; personal and family information; medical and health documentation; selection and decision making documentation; Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) documentation; notifications of admission and non-admission; recommendations and evaluative materials; copies of academic records; counseling and advising notes and documentation; housing and conduct documentation; federal student aid reports; risk release and insurance forms; immigration and citizenship documentation; and financial responsibility records.
0472-06-033 Student Academic Records Transcripts: PERMANENT; All other records: 5 years after date of last attendance. These records consist of the official student record of individual students for their period of enrollment at a university and include all academic documentation for individual students. Records may include but are not limited to: transcripts; narrative evaluations, competency assessments, and academic action; petitions for exemption from institution regulations and procedures; applications for withdrawal from the institution; standardized examination reports; letters of recommendation; admissions applications; notices of admission; standardized placement and evaluation exams; transcripts; requests for transfer of credit; statements of completion of requirements for degree; major department/degree change requests; assignments of advisor; compositions of dissertation/thesis committee and any changes thereof; certifications of transferred courses; grade reports; course waiver requests; removal of incomplete grades forms; year time-limit appeal records; oral and written exam results; petitions or letters requesting exemption from institution regulations or procedures; advising checklists; official graduation audits; program advisors' reports showing progress towards academic degrees; awards; student enrollment in courses; and changes in enrollment grade reports; registration forms; registration change forms (add/drop forms); withdrawal forms; application for re-admission forms; independent study approvals; grading basis change forms; and name change forms.
0472-06-034 Student Activity Reports Until superseded or obsolete. This series provides a record of graduate and undergraduate student statistics in a specific instructional unit and is used to provide summary information which may be used for planning or review.
0472-06-035 Student Admissions Records Records of applicants who enroll: 5 years after graduation or date of last attendance; All other records: 1 year after application term. This series documents the application process for individuals seeking admission to the institution. Records may include but are not limited to: acceptance letters, advanced placement records, applications for admission, entrance exam reports, letters of recommendation, medical records, readmission forms, recruitment materials, test scores, transcripts from other colleges, and transcripts from high school.
0472-06-036 Student Advising Records 5 years after graduation or date of last attendance but at least 1 year after final notice to Immigration and Naturalization Service. This series is used to provide a record of an undergraduate and/or graduate student's academic progress within a specific department and/or college program. Most of the components in this record series are reference copies of records maintained in the files of the Registrar's Office and/or the Graduate School and are maintained for the convenience of the student academic advisors.
0472-06-037 Student Certification Records 5 years after initial certification application by student. This series documents the preparation of students earning degrees and/or certification for licenses or certificates to enter a profession and forms the basis of the initial certification for various professions. Records may include: applications for admission to a program; registration for practicum hours and evidence of the completion of the practicum; transcripts; narrative evaluations on practicum; notice of completion of hours required for certification; recommendations; and evaluations.
0472-06-038 Student Conduct Records/Disciplinary Actions Records 5 years after graduation or date of last attendance but at least 1 year after final notice to Immigration and Naturalization Service. This series documents academic dishonesty and conduct violations among students. Records may include but are not limited to: incidents reports; final reports; evidence; notifications of allegation; Timely Notice Forms; Conduct-Pending, Conduct-Restitution, and Suspension Lists; Quarterly Security Reports; disciplinary reports; informal discussion notes; formal hearing notes; final summary statements; decision statements; and appeals documentation.
0472-06-039 Student Development Transcripts Records Transcripts: PERMANENT; All other records: 5 years. Series documents students participation in university clubs, organizations, honor societies, and special academic programs such as the Study Abroad Program; volunteer service in community organizations; and honors and awards received.
0472-06-040 Student Grievance Records 5 years after graduation or date of last attendance. This series documents grievance brought forward by students against the institutions which do not result in litigation. Grievances may pertain to academic issues; housing; affirmative action and equal opportunity; student conduct; and other issues. Records include: notices of grievance; informal discussion notes; grievance responses; formal hearing notes (including audio tapes); final summary statements; settlement agreements; and appeals documentation.
0472-06-041 Student Loan Cash Input Transaction Lists 4 years. This series documents the repayment of student loans on a daily basis and is used to apply the loan payments to the individual student accounts. This series includes daily listings of loan payments received.
0472-06-042 Student Loan Check Requests Lists and Payment Coupons 4 years. This series documents loan disbursements made to students and payments made by loan holders. This series consists of quarterly lists of issued loan checks and payment coupons that accompany each quarterly or monthly payment made to the student loan office.
0472-06-043 Student Recruitment Records 5 years. This series documents effort of the institutional units to recruit students based upon disadvantaged status, academic performance, and other criteria. Records may include but are not limited to: prospects lists; interview and conversation notes; photographs; personal information forms and resumes; test scores; and academic transcripts.
0472-06-044 Student Statistical Reports Summary and annual reports: PERMANENT; All other records: 3 years. This series documents student status and enrollment at the institution. Records may include: specialized listings and statistical reports pertaining to departmental and college registration, course changes, add/drops, geographical distribution of students, student age and gender data, mortality of classes, student transfers from other schools, student body grade point averages and GPA's of living groups, veterans enrollment, and reports documenting student and enrollment by term.
0472-06-045 Theses and Dissertations PERMANENT. This series documents the completion and academic acceptance of graduate theses and dissertations presented to colleges in fulfillment of requirements for graduate degrees.
0472-06-046 Transcript Hold or Encumbering Authorization Forms Until release of hold. This series documents holds on transcripts and academic reporting information placed by the institution. This series consists of forms authorizing the holding of academic records and information until the subject of the academic record takes a specific action.
0472-06-047 Transcript Request Forms Requests for official transcripts: 6 months; Requests for unofficial transcripts: 1 month. This series provides a record of students' requests for transcripts.
0472-06-048 Undergraduate Degree Audit and Application for Graduation Records 5 years after last enrollment. This series documents student completion of degree requirements. Records may include but are not limited to: work sheets; transcripts; transfer course evaluations; and official graduation audit forms.
0472-06-049 Veterans Records 3 years following termination of enrollment period. This series documents the entitlement status and enrollment of veterans in the institution.
0472-06-050 Work Study Program Administrative Records 5 years. Series documents the administration of the Federal Work Study program at the institution.

October 18, 2024