Ph.D., York University, 1979
Poet, dramatist, critic, essayist, and media columnist, Niyi Osundare has authored 18 books of poetry, two books of selected poems, (with individual poems in over 70 journals and magazines across the world), four plays, a book of essays, and numerous monographs and articles on literature, language, culture, and society. He regards his calling as a writer and his profession as a teacher as essentially complementary. He was educated on three continents: B.A. (Honours) from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, M.A. from the University of Leeds in England, and Ph.D. from York University, Toronto, Canada. The wide and varied exposure accruing from this has proved very useful for his writing and teaching careers.
Born in Nigeria, one of the most linguistically and culturally heterogeneous countries in the world, he learnt early in life the complexities and challenges of diversity. He began his teaching career at the University of Ibadan in 1974 and rose to the position of full professor there in 1989. From 1993 to 1997, he was the Chair of its Department of English. He was a Fulbright scholar at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1990 to 1991, and in 1991/92, an Associate Professor of English at the 麻豆视频app下载, to which he returned as full professor in 1997, and was selected University Research Professor in 2001 and Distinguished Professor of English in 2011.
Dr. Osundare's areas of specialization are African Literature, Literature of the African Diaspora, Literary Stylistics, Sociolinguistics, and Creative Writing. In 2005, he was selected Fellow of the Nigeria Academy of Letters (NAL), the country's highest Academy for the Humanities. About his passion for teaching, he has this to say: "For me, the classroom is a vital space inhabited - no, lived - by students and teachers as partners, even collaborators, in a process of intellectual and social inquiry and exchange .... I strive to be the kind of teacher who challenges and inspires..."
For his creative works, Osundare has received many prizes and awards: the Association of Nigerian Authors (ANA) Prize, the Cadbury/ANA Prize, the Commonwealth Poetry Prize (which he won on two different occasions, 1989 and 1994), the Noma Award (Africa's most prestigious book award), the Tchicaya U Tam'si Award for African Poetry, and the Fonlon/Nichols Award for "excellence in literary creativity combined with significant contributions to Human Rights in Africa". He was the recipient of the 2014 Nigerian National Merit Award, Nigeria's highest recognition for distinguished academic and creative achievement. He has carried out readings and performances of his works in many parts of the world, and his poems have been translated into French, Italian, Slovenian, Dutch, Spanish, Japanese, Arabic, Korean, and Serbian. In 2016, he was awarded the Doctor of Letters (D.Litt.) honoris causa, by his alma mater, the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. He has also been a recipient of honorary doctorates from the Universite de Toulouse-le Mirail in France and Franklin Pierce University in Rindge New Hampshire, USA. He was a columnist for Newswatch, a prominent Nigerian newsmagazine; he maintains a weekly poetry column (Lifelines) in Nigeria's Sunday Tribune, and is a frequent newspaper, radio, and television commentator on current affairs. In June 2016, he was installed the pioneer Chair of the Advisory Board of the new Ibadan Literary Society (ILS), based in Ibadan, Nigeria.
(NOIPOFEST), an annual festival of poetry readings, scholarly conferences, and literary/cultural outreach, which takes place in Nigeria each May, was established in honour of Dr Osundare in 2015.
Most recently, Dr. Osundare is one of two African writers (the other being Syl Cheney Coker, the eminent Sierra Leonean poet and novelist) selected by the American organization, , for a major feature documentary entitled The Poets. The filming took place in May 2016 in Sierra Leone (Coker) and Nigeria (Osundare).
Current Scholarly Research
Dr. Osundare is currently working on a book of essays on language, literature, and culture, tentatively titled Diasporization or Exogenization : African Literature/Culture and the Imperative of a New Decolonization.
Select Publications:
If Only the Road Could Talk: Poetic Pereginations in Africa, Asia, and Europe. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press. 2017
City Without People: The Katrina Poems. Boston: Blackwidow Press. 2011
Random Blues, Ibadan: Kraftbooks. 2011
Days. Ibadan: Heinemann Educational Books Nigeria. 2007
The Word Is an Egg. Ibadan: Kraftbooks. 2000
Midlife. Ibadan: Heinemann Educational Books. 1993
Waiting Laughters. Lagos & Oxford: Malthouse Press. 1990
Moonsongs. Ibadan: Spectrum Books. 1988
The Eye of the Earth. Ibadan: Heinemann. 1986
Village Voices. Ibadan: Evans Brothers. 1984
Songs of the Marketplace. Ibadan: New Horn Press. 1983
Selected Poems
Pages From the Book of the Sun: New & Selected Poems. Trenton, NJ: African World Press. 2002
Selected Poems. Oxford: Heinemann International 1992
Thread in the Loom: Essays on African Literature and Culture, Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press. 2002
Homage to the Book. Ibadan: University Press Authors' Forum Monograph Series, No. 1, 2011
Style and Literary Communication in African Prose Fiction in English. Ibadan: Hope Publications, 2008
Cautious Paths Through the Bramble: A Critical Classification of Style Theories and Concepts. Ibadan: Hope Publications, 2003
The Writer as Righter: The African Literary Artist and Their Social Obligations. Ibadan: Hope Publications, 2002
Two Plays. Ibadan: University Press, 2004
The State Visit. Ibadan: Kraftbooks. 2002
Public Discourse
Dialogue with My Country. Ibadan: Bookcraft. 2007, 2011