Lothar Birk, Dr.-Ing., P.E.
Undergraduate Program Coordinator
Jerome L. Goldman Endowed Professorship in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering I

- Dr.-Ing., Institute of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Technische Universität Berlin, 1998
- Dipl.-Ing., Institute of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Technische Universität Berlin, 1990
- Licensed Professional Engineer in the State of Louisiana, License No. 33201, 2007
Research Interests
Form parameter based hull design; Hydrodynamic shape optimization and optimization algorithms; Wave-body interaction, stochastic analysis and panel methods; Design assessment criteria.
Current Research
Application of global optimization strategies to the design of offshore structures; Parametric hull design methods; Next generation panel methods for hydrodynamic shape optimization
Fields of Expertise
Computer aided design
Offshore structure design
Shape optimization
Ship hull design
Honors and Awards
Selected Recent Publications
- H. Brinati, M. de Conti, M. Szajnbok, L. Birk, et al. (2016). Chapter 1- 6. In G. Assi, H. Brinati, M. de Conti, and M. Szajnbok, editors, Applied Topics in Marine Hydrodynamics, Escola Politécnica, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, 1st edition, December 2016. ISBN 978-85-86686-89-4.
- G. Xiang, L. Birk, X. Yu, and H. Lu (2017). Numerical study on the trajectory of dropped cylindrical objects. Ocean Engineering, 130 (2017) 1-9, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2016.11.060
- B.M. Taravella, L. Birk, and W.S. Vorus (2011). A hybrid method for predicting lift and drag on semi-planing/semi-displacement hull forms. In Proc. of 11th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation (FAST 2011), Honolulu, HI.
- L. Birk (2010). Integrating seakeeping analysis into the design of floating systems. Exploration & Production – Oil and Gas Review, 8(1):85–89.
- M. de Conti, B. de Andrade, and L. Birk (2009). Differentiation between the lower and upper parts of columns of semi-submersibles for heave response improvement. Marine Systems and Ocean Technology, 4(2):63–72.
- L. Birk (2009). Optimizing seakeeping behavior of large floating systems. In Proc. of Deep Offshore Technology International Conference (DOT), New Orleans, LA, February 3-5.
This paper won the Best Technical Innovation Award. - L. Birk (2008). On the shape optimization of semisubmersibles. In Schiffstechnik/Ship Technology Research , 55(4), pp 166-176.
- L. Birk (2006). Parametric Modeling and shape optimization of offshore structures. International Journal of CAD/CAM, 6(1):29-40, December.
- L. Birk, G.F. Clauss and J.Y. Lee (2004). Practical application of global optimization to the design of offshore structures. In Proc. of 23rd Int. Conf. on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE '04), Vancouver, Canada, ASME.
- C. Abt, L. Birk and S. Harries (2003). Parametric hull design: The FRIENDSHIP-Modeler. In International Conference on Ship and Shipping Research, XIV Congress NAV 2003 , volume 1, pages 3.3.1-3.3.10, Palermo, Italy.
- L. Birk and S. Harries, editors (2003). Optimistic -- Optimization in Marine Design Mensch & Buch Verlag, Berlin, 2nd edition, ISBN 3-89820-514-2.
- G.J. Grigoropoulos, S. Harries, D.P. Damala, L. Birk and J. Heimann. Seakeeping assessment for high-speed monohulls -- a comparative study. In Proc. of 8th Int. Marine Design Conference (IMDC 2003), Athens, Greece, National Technical University of Athens.