Frank Schalow, Ph.D.

Frank Schalow received his B.A. from the University of Denver, and his M.A. and Ph.D. from Tulane University. His areas of specialization include 19th and 20th century German thought, Phenomenology, and Continental Philosophy.
He has published numerous books, including: Heidegger's Ecological Turn: Community and Practice for Future Generations (2021), Toward a Phenomenology of Addiction (2017), Departures: At the Crossroads between Heidegger and Kant (2013), The Incarnality of Being (2006), Heidegger and the Quest for the Sacred (2001), The Renewal of the Heidegger-Kant Dialogue (1992), and, most recently, the edited volumes Heidegger, Translation, and the Task of Thinking: Essays in Honor of Parvis Emad (2011), and The Linguistic Dimension of Kant's Thought (2014). Currently, he is co-editor of the international journal, Heidegger Studies, which is published in four languages (English, German, French, and Italian).
At the 麻豆视频app下载, he has served on both the Tenure and Promotion committee and the
Graduate Council.
Courses Taught
PHIL 1000: Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 1200: Social Ethics
PHIL 2201: Ethics
PHIL 3001: Senior Honors Thesis
PHIL 3030: Individual Senior Seminar
PHIL 3232: Medical Ethics
PHIL 3331: Continental Rationalism
PHIL 3333: The Philosophy of Kant
PHIL 3334: German Idealism & the 19th Century
PHIL 3415: Phenomenology & Continental Philosophy
PHIL 3511: Existentialism
PHIL 4200: Health Promotion Ethics
PHIL 4027: The Philosophy of Heidegger