Postdoctoral position, Dauphin Island Sea Lab
Postdoctoral position, Observatoire Océanologique de Villefranche sur Mer
PhD, University of Hawai'i, Mānoa, Department of Botany, Affiliation: Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology (EECB)
MS, Biological Science, California State University, Fullerton
BS, Marine Biology, Eckerd College
Marine Biology, BIOS 3924
Marine Ecology, BIOS 4933/5933
Topics in Integrative Biology, Threats to Coastal and Ocean Ecosystems, BIOS 6093
Recent Selected Publications:
Cox, TE; Cebrían, J; Tabor, M; West, L; and Krause, JW (2020) Do diatoms dominate benthic production in shallow systems? A case study from a mixed seagrass bed. Limnology and Oceanography Letters 5:425-434 doi: 10.1002/lol2.10167
Guerrero-Meseguer, L; Cox, TE; Sanz-Lázaro, C; Schmid, S; Enzor, LA; Major, K; Gazeau, F; and Cebrían, J (2020). Does ocean acidification benefit seagrasses in a mesohaline environment? A mesocosm experiment in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. Estuaries & Coasts https://doi.org/10.1007/s12237-020-00720-5
*La Valle, F; Schaefer, J; Cox, TE; and Philippoff, J (2020) Longitudinal assessment of Hawaii’s intertidal algal communities. Hydrobiologia 847: 3321–3336 doi:10.1007/s10750-020-04336-5
*Díaz-Castañeda, V; Cox, TE; Gazeau, F; Delille, J; Alliouane, S.; and Gattuso, J-P (2019) Ocean acidification affects calcareous tube growth in adult stage and reared offspring of serpulid polychaetes. Journal of Experimental Biology (shared first authorship) 222: jeb196543 doi:10.1242/jeb.196543
Research Interests
My research expertise is in coastal benthic ecology. In other words, my laboratory group studies the plants and animals that live on the seafloor in shallow-waters and we are interested in how the environment shapes their interactions and physiology. This research is often done in the framework of how humans modify coastal ecosystems and how best to manage them. Past studies have included examinations of kelp forest herbivory, ecology on rocky shores and longterm monitoring of intertidal communities, production on artificial reefs and in seagrass beds, and effects of ocean acidification on seagrass beds and small invertebrates. Lastly, I have been active in outreach and serve as a science advisor to a secondary school led monitoring program call OPIHI: Our Project in Hawaii’s Intertidal.