ࡱ> &(% ` bjbjbMbM ;8'o_'o_84%,1="QQF<<<<<<<S? B<<4<"""<"<""9: lm :<=01=(:BB0::B;4"<<!1=BY k: UNO Scholarship for Women in Computer Science This scholarship was founded by 1995 BSCS alumna Sabrina D. Farmer, currently Chief Technology Office of GitLab. The scholarship covers in-state tuition for the fall and spring semesters and is awarded up to two recipients per year. As a woman in Computer Science it can feel like you are outnumbered and sometimes alone, but there are many women wishing you success and hope you join them in the very rewarding career a Computer Science degree can bring. There were many times I questioned my abilities as a Computer Scientist while in school. The thought of changing paths occurred several times. In the last 30 years Ive had an incredibly rewarding career that has included working with some of the best and brightest and traveling the world. Im currently at GitLab helping companies across the globalbuild,secure, and launch software tobillions of people so thereis no shortage of interesting problems tosolve. This scholarship was created to encourage women to stick with this career because while there are challenges, the rewards are tremendous. About the Founder Sabrina Farmer graduated from 鶹Ƶapp with a BS in Computer Science in Dec 1995. After graduation she accepted a job in southern California as a contractor to the Department of Defense. She relocated to Silicon Valley in 1997 and stayed in research in both the private and public sectors for several years. She has since worked for several Internet companies both as start-ups and well-established businesses including Excite@Home, WebMD, and Netsuite. She was formerly Vice President of Engineering at Google, responsible for Gmail, and lives with her husband and two children. Her work has taken her around the world including Australia, Ireland, Switzerland, and Japan. She has been a strong advocate for women in engineering including speaking at the University of New South Wales and currently leads a Diversity project at Google. She also works with several businesses on their diversity programs. She founded this scholarship in 1996 after she graduated as a way to give back and encourage women to work through their fears of what will happen and rely on their ability to bring their talents to an industry that will only be successful with diverse points of view and perspectives. An applicant must: be a female registered full-time at the 鶹Ƶapp be enrolled with a major or minor in the department of Computer Science be enrolled in or completed CS2125 exhibit dedication to the field of Computer Science Award will consist of: up to $3045 per semester for tuition. up to 1 year mentoring from founder Sabrina Farmer, VP of Engineering at Google (optional) Applications should be submitted no later than march 27, 2025 by 4 p.m., in accordance with the instructions for submitting applications on the Womens Center Scholarships page. Make a copy of all your documents for your own records. IF SUBMITTING A HARD COPY, PLEASE PRINT APPLICATION MATERIALS ON ONE SIDE OF THE PAPER ONLY!!! DO NOT STAPLE ANY PAGES TOGETHER!! UNO Scholarship for Women in Computer Science APPLICATIONS DUE BY March 27, 2025, by 4 p.m. PLEASE NOTE: ALL SCHOLARSHIP APPLICANTS MUST HAVE A CURRENT FAFSA ON FILE WITH THE FINANCIAL AID OFFICE. Applications must include the following: Completed application form A letter of recommendation; it is recommended it be from a professor but can be from anyone who can speak to why you chose Computer Science. LORs must contain the contact information of the recommender for authentication purposes. Brief answers to personal history questions College Transcript unofficial transcript from Workday, or an official Registrars transcript, as well as midterm grades for Spring 2025 (unofficial is okay) List of jobs and activities for past ten years or since high school graduation List prior schooling, including high school, vocational training and colleges, and dates of attendances List of honors and scholarships from high school to the present (optional) APPLICATION FORM Name______________________________________________________Date of Birth____________________ Local Address________________________________________________________________________________ Phone____________________________ Email ____________________________________________ Student # ____________________________ S.S.#: (last four digits) ___________________________ Employer__________________________________________________Position_________________________ Work address______________________________________________________________________________ Work Phone_____________________ Hours worked per week _________ Annual Income_________________ Marital Status ___________________________Number of Dependents_________ Ages___________________ Standing at UNO (i.e., freshman, junior, etc.): ____________________________ GPA__________________ Major ___________________________________ Minor__________________________________ Completion of CS2125 or semester/year of enrollment ____________________________________________ Credit hours completed ________________ College semesters completed _______________ Hours remaining for graduation ______________ Scheduled graduation date: _______________ Number of semesters until graduation: Regular ___________ Summer____________ PERSONAL HISTORY QUESTIONS Please thoroughly answer each of the following questions. Answers to all questions should be no longer than three typewritten, double-spaced pages and can be as short as you wish. Why did you choose Computer Science? What do you think will be your biggest challenge for success in this career? or What fears/concerns do you have about this field? What are your future educational and career plans? What was the most difficult obstacle you have had to overcome or are overcoming to attend college? How do you intend to use the mentoring? Please add any other information that you feel is pertinent to your application.      EMBED MS_ClipArt_Gallery \* MERGEFORMAT   PAGE   PAGE 2 WICS Scholarship application (3 pages total)  EMBED MS_ClipArt_Gallery \* MERGEFORMAT  WICS application form . U V h  ' COPawx !34v,-8<RSvvvvvvvnvnvvvh\,CJaJhIh"CJaJhIh"0J!CJaJhAk,CJaJh.CJaJh~%,CJaJhf&CJaJh"CJaJhIhICJaJhIhI5CJ\aJh~%,5CJ\aJh~%,B*aJhphh~%,h~%,B*aJhphh h"CJ$aJ$+. 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